Black Dahlia x Fem! Reader

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Black Dahlia x Fem! Reader
Baby headcanons

Note: I'll put this in two categories
If you adopted and or found a baby just lying around somewhere
If you were pregnant and had a baby

Tws: Inaccurate description of pregnancy probably, pretty OOC


               If you adopted/found a baby together

- She'd be EXTREMELY against adopting at first.
- If you found it she'd think you should just leave it.
- A child? Such a weak thing? Around her? Hell no !
-  Buuut if you lay out the pros and cons and talk about it enough, maybe just maybe she'll be up to it.
- She'd think she'd be a bad mom, but maybe that's what drove her into the situation she's in right now.
- Very badly, holding a baby, that is now hers.
- Will hold it in..interesting ways.
- She'll be disgusted by it for a good while.
- But if the baby is.. how do I put this, clinically insane she'll accept it at some point.
- Will mostly leave the caring of the childs needs to you because she's obviously not gonna take a baby to her bunny clubs and murder sprees.
- NOBODY outside of you and her know about the child.
- The skullgirl would probably wanna kill any offspring biological or not that Dahlia's left behind.
- Not only just the Skullgirl.
- So she's responsible in that sense.
- Would save the child from her..job for when it's older.
- You'll see some sweet moments with her and the baby though.
- Like Dahlia randomly picking it up just to stare for a few moments from it's crib or whatever play area you setup.
- After awhile you can notice her actually starting to care.
- Like her actually starting to listen out for the baby monitors, getting up to comfort it at night etc.
- If you comment on it she'd either be amused or disguted at her own softness.
- She can't resist tho.
- She'll already have grown attached to the little gremlin crawling around.

                          If you were pregnant

- If you had been pregnant before getting into a relationship with her, she'd probably have already killed whoever you were with need to worry about that.
- Would be the same as the last part, wouldn't really like it, but this time she's not showing the disgust of a child as much, since, yk you're the one suffering so much.
- She'll help around since you're literally growing another being.
- Which she may already consider her own.
- When you go into labor she'll have you at a hospital in the blink of an eye.
- If you've planned on a homebirth she'll be there, putting off her job for the while.
- If you want her to be the first one to hold..pretty much her child now, she'd feel weird.
- Since..she knows she won't be hurting it.
- And the fact that she's a mother now, something she probably thought would never in a million years happen.
- But here she is, looking down at it, with her gun dislocated, feeling pretty smug.
- The process of her warming up to the baby would be slightly quicker,
- Mostly because of that one little moment she had with the baby.
- And the fact that it was yours.

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