Intro 2/backstory Remi Baratheon

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Remi Baratheon Oldest daughter of Stannis the former Lord of Dragonstone and a claimant to the Iron Throne. Remi was born and raised in Dragonstone, where she was trained in the art of warfare and strategy by her father. She is known for her sharp wit and fierce loyalty, and is considered by many to be a natural leader.

Despite being a Baratheon, Remi has always been a bit of an outsider in her family. Her father was often distant and focused on his own ambitions, leaving Remi to fend for herself. As a result, she learned to be independent and self-reliant from a young age.

Not only that, but her mother was never really a mother figure to her and her sister she usually was off crying about how she couldn't bare sons for her husband. Remi was never really upset by her mother's claim for wanting sons. But It did upset her sister. She would do everything in her power to make sure her sister was loved and taken care for. That's why it hurt her so much when she saw her sister burned at the stake like some traitor, but she wasn't a traitor she was a little girl. It was understanding for herself to weep for her sister, because she raised her. But seeing her own mother cry for her other daughter was new for her. Their mother never showed them any emotion, so when she saw her mother in a distraught state, she knew she was truly hurting. But a day later, her world turned upside down when she saw her mother hang...

But Remi Baratheon didn't sit around and read like her sister did. She was trained to be a skillful fighter by her father's companion Ser Davos and the red women. Ser Davos and a few other men trained her in sword fighting and in archery and close up, combat some may say she was better than the rest of the men in her fathers army. While the red woman trained her to become the eyes for the Lord of light. She as well started to get visions from past present and future from different parts of the realm. She doesn't have them completely under control but she's managing it well.

When she later found out her uncle was trying to take the iron throne for himself. She was distraught. She fully believed her father was the rightful heir to the throne, even though she loved her uncle she knew he would be coming obstacle, but she didn't know that her father would stoop so low into killing him she then found out how it happened. She lost more and more respect for her father and In the red woman.

When Stannis Baratheon declared himself king and marched on King's Landing, Remi was one of his most trusted advisors. She helped plan the assault on the city and fought bravely in the ensuing battle. However, when Stannis was defeated and killed, Remi was forced to flee Dragonstone and go into hiding.

Now, Remi travels the land in search of allies who will help her reclaim her family's honor and take back the Iron Throne. She is a formidable warrior and strategist, and is feared by many of her enemies. Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for those who are loyal to her, and will do anything to protect them.

Remi Baratheon is a formidable woman who has faced many challenges in her life. As the daughter of Stannis Baratheon, she was raised in a world of politics and warfare. Her father was a harsh and distant figure, leaving Remi to fend for herself. Despite this, she developed a strong sense of independence and a fierce determination to succeed.

Remi's upbringing on Dragonstone was not an easy one. She was trained in the art of warfare and strategy from a young age, and was expected to be a leader in her own right. Her father was often away on campaigns, leaving Remi to manage the affairs of Dragonstone on her own. Despite the challenges she faced, Remi thrived in this environment. She became a skilled warrior and strategist, and gained the respect of those around her.

For years, Remi traveled the land in search of allies who would help her reclaim her family's honor and take back the Iron Throne. She faced many challenges along the way, but remained steadfast in her mission. Her intelligence and quick thinking proved to be valuable assets in battle, and she gained a reputation as a formidable fighter.

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