The runaway Queen of the north

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Word went around fast of the new queen of the north leaving no one but robb and Talisa knew why, Robb sent out men to go look for his lady wife truly he was worried that something could happen to her but deep down he was also worried if her father found out that she ran and was unprotected. Her father Stannis is not the type of man you want to make your enemy but with the acts they he committed against her surely that would make him his enemy and honestly he wouldn't really blame him he did betray his daughter the women who he swore to love and protect. Yes he loved her but not in that way right? He shouldn't be questioning himself right now; he needed to be out there looking for her. He doesn't even know where she would go. It was dark and surely she couldn't see anything. God, he hoped she was safe. But this was his own doing.

He wanted Talisa well now he has her but at what cost would that be? Losing his own queen, the girl whom he knew since they were children, the girl who was always by his side no matter what. When he was grieving for his own dead father she was there holding him telling him that the people who had done this will pay. He never truly realized how lucky he was she had stuck by him through thick and thin and what does she get in return seeing her very own husband in bed with another what an amazing thanks that is. Was it all worth it in the end seeing his own queen his own lady wife in tears is that the price he wanted with having Talisa.

It was dark and it was cold. She was riding for god knows how long at that moment she didnt care where she was going all she knew was she had to get away from robb. All she could think about was why, why wasn't she good enough for him. Was she not loving enough? Caring enough, smarter enough, what was it that she didn't have? She had thought that she was a good wife that she had done everything that a good wife needed to do? But yet it wasnt enough for him nope because if it was she wouldn't have found him in bed with another maiden. She kept riding not knowing where to go. Would she go back to winterfell? No, they would just send her back to robb? Go to her father? No then she would have to tell him what happened and she didn't want to anger her father.

She kept thinking until something hit her. Her uncle Renly, Yes she would go to him he would surely help her. She was rather close with him more than her uncle Robert; he was kinder and sweeter. She began riding towards where his camp was. She overheard where it was when Robb was talking about it with his men. She knew he would help her. Yes, her father and her uncle didn't see eye to eye but they were both baratheons. Only she wasn't a Baratheon anymore, she was a Stark now but that shouldn't matter she had the Baratheon blood in her. She kept riding even when dawn hit she wouldn't stop riding and risk someone catching her to many enemies in the world right now.

As dawn hit robb he got more worried soon his mother would know that she was gone and he couldn't lie on why she left. He wasn't sure why he was afraid this is what he wanted right. Yes it was he kept telling himself he wanted to be with talisa and now he can but why does it feel like something was missing. Soon men came back from trying to find Remi and to his surprise no one could find her; it was like she disappeared off the face of the earth with nowhere to be traced. To his dismay his mother came running in demanding to know why everyone was trying to find Remi when she should be in camp in this very tent.

"Robb what in the seven hells do you mean she's gone? Do you mean to tell me you lost your wife?" he couldn't answer yet his eyes down at the ground as she kept trying to get answers from him " No mother i didn't lose her she.. She.. she left" that was all he could say in the moment not daring to look at his mother "what do you mean she left robb? Left where? Where could she have left when her place is here with you." she was right her place was with him but he drove her away. He didn't want to answer but he knew he had to.

He knew his mother deserved to know why the queen of the north left. So he finally had the guts to spill "late last night she had found me in bed.. With talisa" he finally looked at her and he wished he didnt the look on his mothers face made him regret saying anything. She didn't say anything, all she could do was look at her son. How could he have come to this? She didn't raise him to be like this. With her not saying anything he continued to speak " You cannot blame me i was forced into this marriage no one had said i had to love her i couldn't force myself to. When talisa came I knew she was the one for me. Yes, how it happened was wrong but you cannot blame me for being in love."

that's when she finally spoke " she was forced into this too robb but yet she found it in her heart to fall in love with you. What didn't you give up for her nothing while she had to give up her home and her family to come here and be married to you. Did you have to leave your home and family to be with her no. but yet she still found it in her heart to fall in love with you and the worst part robb You grew up with this poor girl and you do this in return?" he couldnt say anything else because she was right she did give up everything to be here to be with him and yet he couldnt find it in his heart to love her the way that she loved him. she spoke again " have your men at least have an idea where she could have gone. someone must have seen where she went" all he could do was shake his head no. that worried his mother she prayed to the gods that stannis wouldnt find out about this.

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