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The night was as dark as Remi's soul, the moon hidden behind a shroud of thick clouds. The journey from her uncle Renly's camp to Castle Black had been a grueling one, filled with hardship and uncertainty. As she approached the ancient, weathered castle that stood sentinel at the northern end of the Wall, a sense of desolation washed over her.

Castle Black had always been a place of solemn duty and quiet contemplation. But the atmosphere had grown even graver as the looming threat of the White Walkers became ever more apparent. Remi had hoped that seeking refuge at the Wall would provide her with a respite from the chaos and betrayal that had marred her life.

As she entered the castle, the heavy wooden door creaked behind her, closing off the outside world. The interior was dimly lit, the torches casting flickering shadows on the cold stone walls. She was greeted by the watchful eyes of the Night's Watch, their faces etched with stories of hardship and sacrifice. Among them was Jon Snow, the Lord Commander, whose gaze met Remi's with a mix of surprise and something deeper, something that had been left unspoken for too long.

Jon had loved Remi from the moment he had met her, a love born from the shared experiences of being outsiders in a world that constantly reminded them of their differences. He had watched her from afar, silently pining for her, but the tangled web of loyalty and betrayal had kept their feelings hidden.

Now, as Remi stood before him, her eyes clouded with grief, Jon's heart ached. He had heard the rumors of her arrival, but the reality of her presence was almost too much to bear. He had let her go once, believing it was the right thing to do for her and for the North. But now, seeing her before him, he couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake.

Remi, too, felt a flood of emotions as she looked into Jon's eyes. Memories of their shared moments, their whispered secrets, and stolen glances washed over her. She had loved Jon and their love was a love that had never had the chance to bloom for the fact they she had aslo had love for his half brother and it seemed one was stronger than the other. 

As the days passed, Remi and Jon found themselves drawn to each other, their connection stronger than ever. They would steal moments together, far away from the watchful eyes of Castle Black. In those stolen moments, they shared their pain, their regrets, and the love that still burned between them.

One night, as they stood on the Wall, gazing out into the desolate wilderness beyond, Remi found the strength to speak the truth that had haunted her. "Jon, there's something I need to tell you." Jon turned to her, his eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and dread. "What is it, Remi?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she recounted the events of her recent past, of Robb's betrayal for the love of Talisa, of the pain and heartbreak she had endured. She told Jon how her marriage had crumbled, and how she had been left adrift in a world that seemed determined to break her.

Jon listened in silence, his heart heavy with the weight of her pain. When she had finished, he took her hand gently. "I'm so sorry, Remi. I wish I could have protected you from all of this."Remi shook her head. "It's not your fault, Jon. We all make choices, and we must live with the consequences." 

Jon's chest was filled with pain. After she had finished A tear rolled down Remi's cheek after everything she couldn't bare this pain. Sure she faced other hurtful things but never like this type of pain it was almost as if it was too much for her and in all honesty she didn't want to face it anymore she had felt so numb like her heart and soul was just ripped out of her. She was just over it all she want to just jump from the wall and let the snow kill her but she couldn't she had to be strong. Like always.

Robb had heard of what had happened to renly and that Remi was missing he grew even more worried for her but couldn't go after her once again he had to make his way to the twins The journey to the Twins was fraught with unease. Robb couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and his mother shared in his concern.

 As the wedding ceremony between his uncle and walder daughter began, the ominous atmosphere in the Twins was palpable. Robb, Catelyn, and their loyal direwolf Grey Wind kept a watchful eye on the proceedings. They had no way of knowing that this night would become infamous as the Red Wedding, a bloodbath orchestrated by the Freys and the Lannisters to eliminate the Stark threat.

 As the feast commenced, the unease turned to horror. Lord Walder Frey's anger was unmistakable, and it was clear that he had no intention of letting the Starks and their bannermen leave the Twins alive. Catelyn's heart sank as she realized the dire implications of their predicament, and she desperately tried to warn her son. But it was too late. Chaos erupted as the massacre began, and the Starks and their loyal direwolf fought for their lives. In the midst of the carnage, Robb and Catelyn were separated. 

Catelyn, with her motherly instincts and love for her family, tried to protect Robb by taking another hostage, but her actions couldn't prevent the tragedy that unfolded. But thank the gods Greywind had stopped the man before he could kill lady stark and soon they both made their way away from the twins but no sign of robb. Catelyn grew worried and scared for her son; her first born he couldn't be dead. She had already lost her husband and both of her daughters. she couldn't lose robb too.

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