Still love you

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Talisa's face grew happy. Soon she ran towards him and went into his arms. Tears went down her face "Robb oh how I missed you.. I thought you were dead it was so hard to be apart from you all this time." She looked up at him and put her hands on both side of his face she was gonna move her face but she was stopped with a arrow shooting in between the open space of their faces Robb looked down at the women now inches away from him "talisa..I..I have a wife..I'm not betraying her again-" he was cut off by the arrow being shot between their faces, his eyes glance over to see where it came from

And there stood remi with a bow in her hand "I suppose my aim is still as amazing as ever" she then looked at talisa and drew back another arrow " now back away from my husband or I'll make sure to hit you right in between the eyes" as she spoke those words talisa looked at Robb but then put her hands down and backed away from him. Remi then looked back at Robb "I heard everything" her eyes quickly shot at Jon if her cold glaze could kill someone it would

Robb looked at remi "thank god.." he said as he was glad she got there. "Why did you wait until now to come out?" Jon looked at remi, he just wanted her. She was the only person to truly make him happy and this cycle was just repeating itself. He had to watch her be with his brother

"You should know by now Robb I like to make a grand entrance" she went next to Robb not letting down the bow and pointing it right at talisa "I thought you were dead." Talisa shook her head "I made it out thinking rob-" remi stop her "you didn't think of Robb you left him there to die so tell me why are you back now after all this time" she didn't have the words to answer Robb couldn't help but lightly chuckle at her words, knowing she was right. She loved to make a grand entrance. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you set me up that night. You wanted me dead." He looked at talisa.

Jon just stared at remi, he didn't have any words in that moment as he let the three speak their business. She looked at Jon "what? Are you speechless now what happened? You had so much to say to Robb." Her eyes went back to talisa "I should kill you right here for even daring to step foot in winterfell you have no right to do so"

Robb glanced over at Jon who was now seemingly quiet "you finally go quiet when she's around? Shows what kind of man you are, Jon." He said

"You don't know what kind of man I am Robb..all of this may be my fault. If I wouldn't have let my feelings get in the way and take over...but you don't get to say what kind of man I am when you've done far worse than I have to a woman who didn't deserve it." He took a step towards him as when he did an arrow would fly through the air, hitting Jon in the chest. "No it isn't didn't let that arrow go, no one could've known this would happen. You can't blame yourself when you just want us to get along." He said as he rubbed her back " I was stupid enough to believe everything could possibly go back to normal but unfortunately, that's not the case." She gave Jon one last look before turning away. Her bow dropped as her hand flew over her mouth. Her eyes were widened, not knowing what to do. She felt as if she couldn't move like she was completely frozen and had no control of her body. One of the guards had his bow in hand and his other hand where he released the arrow. He didn't realize what he had just done, he had just shot the bastard son of Winterfell

Her eyes went up to the guard then soon to Robb then back to Jon it felt as if time was moving slow for her not knowing how to handle this it felt just like the first time she saw Jon get stabbed

Jon fell to the ground, landing on his back with a thud. The arrow had hit a vital organ as he was gasping for air at this point. "R-..." he couldn't get any words out of his mouth as he just stared up at the sky. Robb watched as his brother fell to the ground, his eyes going wide. His eyes would glance up at the guard who shot him "what have you done!" He yelled at the guard as his brother was dying on the ground in front of them She went to his side holding onto him she didn't know what to do or what to say she was panicking on the inside and on the out she moved his hair out to his face "it's going to be okay Jon you're going to be okay" she softly whispered

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