bloody hell

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As Catelyn and Grey Wind fled from the chaos of the Red Wedding, the sounds of screams and clashing steel echoed through the night. Catelyn's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with fear and desperation. She had to find Robb, her beloved son, and ensure his safety at all costs.

Amidst the confusion, Catelyn caught a glimpse of her son, fighting valiantly against their attackers. But the odds were against him, and Catelyn knew that they had to escape before it was too late. With Grey Wind at her side, she made her way through the labyrinthine corridors of the Twins, her heart heavy with dread.

Meanwhile, Robb fought with all the skill and determination of a true Stark. His sword flashed in the torchlight as he cut down Frey men with ferocity born of desperation. But for every enemy he felled, two more seemed to take their place, and Robb soon found himself overwhelmed.

As he fought for his life, the weight of his choices bore down on him like a crushing burden. He had betrayed Remi, the woman he had pledged to marry, for the fleeting passion he had found with Talisa. And now, his actions had led them both into a deadly trap.

The guilt and remorse threatened to consume him as he battled his way through the chaos of the Red Wedding. The memory of Remi's tear-streaked face haunted him, a constant reminder of the pain he had caused. He knew that he had to find a way to make amends, to set things right, but with each passing moment, it seemed more and more impossible.

As Catelyn and Grey Wind fought their way through the labyrinth of the Twins, they encountered pockets of resistance at every turn. But Catelyn was determined to find her son, and she pressed on, her maternal instincts driving her forward.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the outer walls of the Twins. The night air was thick with the stench of blood and death, and Catelyn's heart sank as she realized the full extent of the carnage that had unfolded within the castle walls.

But there was no sign of Robb.

Desperation clawed at Catelyn's heart as she scanned the chaos for any sign of her son. She called out his name, her voice hoarse with fear and grief, but there was no response. Panic threatened to overwhelm her as she realized that Robb could be anywhere within the labyrinthine castle, lost amidst the sea of enemies.

With Grey Wind at her side, Catelyn made her way back into the heart of the Twins, determined to find her son no matter the cost. But with each passing moment, the hope in her heart dwindled, replaced by a sense of impending doom.

Meanwhile, Robb fought on, his sword cutting through the ranks of the Frey men with ruthless efficiency. But with each enemy he struck down, another seemed to take their place, and Robb soon found himself surrounded on all sides.

In the midst of the chaos, a voice cut through the clamor of battle. "Robb!"

Robb's heart skipped a beat as he heard his mother's voice, filled with urgency and desperation. He fought his way towards the sound, his heart pounding in his chest as he prayed that she was safe.

Finally, he caught sight of her, standing amidst the chaos with Grey Wind at her side. Relief washed over him as he rushed to her side, his sword still clutched tightly in his hand.

But the moment of reunion was short-lived, as the full weight of their situation came crashing down upon them. The Frey men were closing in, their numbers overwhelming, and Robb knew that they had to escape before it was too late.

With Grey Wind leading the way, Catelyn and Robb fought their way through the maze of corridors and stairwells, their hearts heavy with grief and fear. But even as they fled, Robb couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him from within.

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