The meeting

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Catelyn Stark had heard whispers of Remi's presence in renly camp, and her heart ached with the knowledge that her son, Robb, had been torn apart by their separation. She knew that the girl had sought refuge with her uncle, Renly Baratheon, and the Tyrells, but she couldn't bear to see her family divided in such a way. Determined to bring Remi back to Robb's side

Catelyn had embarked on a perilous journey from the North to the heart of the reach determined to reunite her daughter in law , Remi, with her husband, Robb Stark.

Catelyn's heart ached at the thought of her daughter torn from her husband's side. She remembered the day Remi and Robb were wed, the joy and hope in their eyes at least thats what she thought , and the solemn vows they had exchanged. The love between them had once been strong but it seemed it was only on remi side it had been strained by Robb's ill-fated romance with Talisa. As she approached  where renly camp was, she couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.

The camp stood as a formidable fortress nothing like the camps her sons men has built. Catelyn was led into a large tent where Renly Baratheon awaited, resplendent in his finely crafted armor. The tension in the tent was palpable as Catelyn finally spoke "Renly," Catelyn implored, her voice filled with desperation, "I beg of you, please, let Remi go back to her husband. Robb loves her deeply, and they should be together."

Renly, usually a man of charm and diplomacy, could barely contain his anger. He rose abruptly from his throne, his features contorted with frustration. "Lady Stark, you come into my camp and demand that I release my niece back into a loveless marriage? A marriage that was shattered when your son betrayed her with that woman from Volantis?"

Catelyn swallowed hard, realizing the depth of Renly's anger. "I understand your anger, Renly, but Remi deserves a chance to decide her own fate. She is not a prisoner here, but she's also not a pawn to be used in your political games."

Renly's voice grew icy as he retorted, "Political games? Is that what you think this is, Lady Stark? This is about protecting Remi, ensuring her safety and happiness. Robb's actions have wounded her deeply, and I will not force her into a situation where she may be hurt again."

Catelyn took a step forward, her eyes pleading. "I believe in their love, Renly. I believe they can find a way to heal and finally be happy together ." 

Renly's anger seemed to simmer down slightly, replaced by a sense of conflict. "Very well, Lady Stark. I will speak to Remi and let her decide. But make no mistake, I will not stand idly by if I see her suffering again." but in fact he would do no such thing remi has already been through enough he would not let it to happen again

Catelyn nodded, grateful for this small concession, though she couldn't help but fear the future. She knew that the path to rekindling the love between Robb and Remi would be fraught with challenges and heartache, but she would do everything in her power to see her daughter in law reunited with her husband, even if it meant navigating the stormy seas of Renly Baratheon's anger. 

Remi stood in the war-torn camp, surrounded by the sounds of clashing swords and the distant cries of soldiers. The war had engulfed the Seven Kingdoms, and she found herself in the middle of the chaos, far from the safety and comfort of her former life in Winterfell.

Her heart ached with the weight of betrayal and regret. She had been married to Robb Stark, the King in the North, but the love that she thought they had was crumbled under the pressures of war. Robb's affair with Talisa had shattered her world, and in her despair she still remember the words he had told her "i was forced into this." "i have never loved you" it had stabbed her like a sword in the heart

Now, with her mother in law, Catelyn Stark, standing before Renly, pleading for her return to Robb's side, Remi felt like a pawn in a game of power and politics. The war had torn families apart, and she was a living testament to its destructive force.

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