can we speak..

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Jon rode day and night going as far south as one could go, on his own journey of self reflection and self discovery. He left behind everything once he left those cold stone walls of Winterfell. He had finally reached the last place he ever thought he'd end up, he always believed he'd grow old in Winterfell with his own family, but those dreams quickly were washed away and blown into the wind. He didn't find any comfort in the first few days of being in dorne, he wasn't even sure he'd be able to find peace of mind and peace in one's self after all the horrible things he's done in his life. But yet as he would begin to feel more like his self he would always have this little nagging feeling in the back of his head telling him that he's a coward and that he doesn't deserve happiness. He had nothing in this new place but himself, all of his family had either been killed or had betrayed him one way or another.

Robb hadn't had a problem ever since Remi had disappeared, he had his fun with Talisa as if nothing was ever wrong in the first place. The castle suddenly becoming more alive over the days following Jon and Remi's absences. Rumor and speculations began to go around that the kings women was carrying a child, very surprising considering this man had chosen a common whore over his wife who he had known for ten years by this point.

Soon her emotions turned cold just like her parents. Her father was filled with rage once remi told him everything her mother looked paled while her father wanted to rage war on winterfell but lucky enough she calmed him down. With that being said she trained along side her fathers men for the upcoming wars to be fought she had traveled to dorne to make peace with them and to have them join along side the true Baratheon's. Even if her happiness was in ruins she found her peace with Robb and maybe that was a good thing even so her father had drawn up a annulment plan to send Robb with Remi blessing she wanted to be freed from that whole family

Jon had finally began to become a new man and was getting his life back on track, he had began to rid himself of all the turmoil that had plagued, he had convinced prince Doran Martell to allow him to help train the men apart of the dornish army, which he obliged and that even gave him a place to stay inside of sunspear. Over the course of these weeks, his emotions had turned to stone. He never showed emotion, his expressions only ever cold and stoic. It was almost impossible to ever know what the man what thinking. He was out training the men when the news of Remi Baratheon coming to dorne was spread across the city, this only making the memories flood back to him as he stopped training for that day

Her stay didn't last long as the dorne and her family hated the Lannister's so they came to agreement that they would fight along side with them. She didn't want to stay for too long so in they weeks time she was already back on a boat home she had heard from her father that a raven was sent out to rob for him to sign the annulment and let remi be free from him. She hoped he would. He hadn't noticed her being gone so obviously, he wouldn't care whether or not he got his way. She was officially out of the picture and out of his way and she took her army with

Once Jon had known she left the city of dorne he resumed the training with the men, he now knew that he would have to join the men when they decide to help her which was alright with him. He wouldn't run from a fight and especially not because that women being present when it all happens. Yet as the days went by word traveled fast that the king of the north was set to be a father, and the fact remi was here trying to gather men for Stannis is obviously wasn't her who he was having this child with. He told her what would happen and yet she chose to go back to him.

Robb had received the annulment parchment and signed it, he really didn't care anymore. He had Talisa and now a child, there wasn't much he could ask for. All the indiscretions he had done over the years leading him to this point in his life, sure he would do some things over again, but most of the things he's done would've led him right back to this moment.

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