bring him to me

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Jon looked at the women as she opened the door "hey Remi.." he said quietly as he wasn't sure what was about to happen. She was even more confused now she moved to the side of the door to let him in "Jon what are you doing here at this late hour"

He was rather surprised and was letting him inside her chambers as he walked inside "I came to return this, you left it in the war room." He said while he was holding one of the buttons to her dress "I know it's not anything serious, but I found it and wanted to return it to you so you could get someone to fix it."

She nodded and took it from his hand "thank you I appreciate it.." she looked down at it and put her hands behind her back "was there anything else you needed?"

He nodded "I know how you tend to like your dresses and you hate them being tattered." He said and then nodded "I want to speak to you about something.." he said looking at her and standing infront of her. "How are you feeling? About all of this?"

He put his hands behind his back together, "I know I don't have much right to ask how you are doing.."

She looked down at the door she was still hurt by everything that had happened. She never truly thought her life would end up like this but she can't change it only keep moving forward." I'm going into a war and might have to end up killing the old love of my life and I'm going into this war with his brother my old lover how do you possibly think I'm doing "

He sighed softly, this women had been through literal hell. No one could have warned her for what she was going to go through in her life. "I get it, you don't want to kill him but if it comes down to it you won't have a choice, that is why I was giving you the option to let me do it. Because I know the moment you drive that sword through his chest and watch him die, you will never forget the face he makes as he watches you do it. Trust me, I know." He said not wanting her to Torture herself over that. "I know I'm possibly the last person you want to see right now anyway."

She looks back at him with anger " You don't think I can't do it? I have been dreaming of this moment for months now after all the empty promises he made me I hope i remember the face he makes when I drive that dagger through his heart. And you wont take that from me. I only wish I got to kill talisa as well I might have to have the person whoever killed her in my army if I ever get the opportunity to meet him. And your right you are the very last person I want to see but here we are asking stupid questions "

He sighed "I don't want to argue with you..I don't want any of that, I understand you want to kill him now..perhaps you will find that person who killed Talisa one day. I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be...but do you know how hard it is to get rid of this feeling? And now that I'm here seeing you it's even harder to get it to go away."

"You don't think it's not hard on me Jon? I had spent years upon years in between this love triangle with you and Robb for years! And it ends up with getting my heart broken more than I can count but I have to live with the broken while you live with guilt and regret. Our feelings are two very different things. But do you know what I regret most In my life.? Being sent to the north and being involved with all of you it has cause me nothing but hurt and betrayal and bring my family's name and house In shame"

"I never said it wasn't hard on your Remi, you have had it worse than any of us. Why do you think I left for the wall! Because I knew my feelings and I knew what they would do if I told you! I don't regret what happened at the wall, but I regret ever thinking that anything mattered. But you know what, I do what you feel. Because I've had my heart shattered and broken Remi. Everyone's life has betrayal and hurt, yours, mine, Robb's. I know you probably don't want to hear this but everyone goes through hell Remi. You have had your heart and soul broken, while I have been physically broken and killed Remi. Your house doesn't have any shame, if it did The dornish people wouldn't be standing behind him ready to fight for him in this war."

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