its always been you

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He leaned his back against the wall, "this doesn't matter anymore, but I wanted to marry you Remi..I don't want you to think I'm saying this to get you to stay, I'm not. I'm just telling you the dream I had for us, the dream I shattered." He spoke softly and emphatically, the one person he had admired his entire life was standing in front of him hating him, staring a hole through him. Cursing him for what he had done. "I don't deserve your sympathies, I deserve for you to hate me. After what I've done to you I don't deserve another chance, you gave me the best days of my life while at castle black.." he said as he leaned up from the wall, his words lingering on the air as he moved. "Just's always been you." He said quietly as he turned towards the door to the stables

Remi's eyes narrowed as she listened to Jon's desperate confession. Anger and hurt surged within her, a tumultuous mix of emotions that threatened to consume her. "You think a few words can mend the wreckage you've caused?" She scoffed bitterly, her voice laced with resentment. "I gave you everything, Jon, and you betrayed it all. You don't get to stand there and play the remorseful hero now." Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "Marriage? A dream you shattered, Jon? More like a nightmare you've forced upon me." Her fists clenched, nails digging into her palms. "Don't speak of love, not after what you've done. You're not the man I thought you were." Her gaze bore into him, a searing intensity. "I don't hate you, Jon Snow. That would be too simple. I despise what you've become, the trust you've obliterated."

A bitter laugh escaped her, mirroring the pain in her chest. "And You say it's always been me? Well, it's never going to be us again. I won't let your regrets imprison me any longer." As Jon turned towards the stables' door, Remi's words followed him like a haunting echo. "Go, Jon. Leave. The best days of your life were a facade, and you've left nothing but ruins in your wake." She stood there, grappling with the shards of a shattered love. Remi's anger intensified, fueled not only by Jon's betrayal but by the audacity of his attempt to disrupt her marriage to Robb. "You bring Talisa back here, thinking it'll undo what you've done?" Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and sorrow.

"I made vows, Jon. Vows to Robb even if he destroyed it first with Talisa you have broken me way more than he ever could you can't claw your way back into my life."She took a step closer, her eyes flashing with defiance. "You thought flaunting another woman in front of me would make me forget the pain you caused? You're delusional, Jon Snow." Remi's hands shook as she spoke, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. "This isn't about love or dreams anymore. It's about the wreckage you've left behind. I won't let you poison what I have with Robb. I won't let what I have and he have been destroyed yet again. I won't let you destroy me any further." As Jon lingered near the stables' door, Remi's resolve solidified. "Leave, Jon. Talisa or not, I won't let your selfish desires ruin what I've rebuilt with Robb. The best days of my life are with him, not in the shadows of your broken promises." She turned away, a final act of defiance, determined to protect the life she had chosen despite the storm Jon had brought into it.

As Jon stood at the doorway, listening to the women his heart began to shatter and break as he heard each word coming out of her mouth "you don't get it Remi...we've all done things we're not proud of, but you moved on from me and I tried..i tried! But do you understand how hard it is when there's only one person in the world who can make your pain go away? I've been ridiculed my entire life! My mother hated me, people looked at me and saw the bastard of their king. A boy no one wanted! You call what we had a're the delusional one. But I guess you're just like everyone else." He said his voice stinging in pain as he couldn't look at her "the man you thought I was? I BECAME THIS BECAUSE OF YOU! All because I wanted you! all I ever wanted was the beautiful girl robb didn't want! Then he finally wanted you once he couldn't have you! I'll leave, but once he betrays you again, I won't be here to pick up the pieces once again.

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