The Dagger

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extra long for you guys///

Jon couldn't believe Robb was alive and now infront of them. He stood in front of remi while looking at Robb "what are you doing here Robb?" He was shocked his brother was alive..but after everything he did to her, he had the audacity to come here."
"I've get my wife back." he said as he hopped off the horse and walked over to the two. His eyes fixated on remi as he walked. He had to win her back "it's good to see" he had no right to call her that and yet he did.

Tears went down her face "love" he called her he had no right to he lost that right to call her that. She finally spoke up "I told you, you stopped being my husband the moment you betrayed me" she said in a cold tone

"We can forgive and know you still have those feelings for me...whatever you feel for feel much more for me..." Robb said
Jon closed his eyes listening to Robb's words "she doesn't want you anymore robb..." was all jon could say

She looked upset" forgive, and forget? you want me to forgive and forget are you mad?! You really expect me to still have feelings for you after everything you put me through after all the hurt and despair you put me through all the nights I had to stay up wondering if I was ever good enough for you all the times I thought you never really loved me and yet you expect me to forgive and forget?!"

"I did love you remi! I still have feelings for you remi! Why else would I be here?!" He began to yell "you were always good enough for me..what happened that night...should have never happened."
Jon pushed Robb away "she said she doesn't want you Robb. I suggest you go back to Winterfell. She isn't going back with you." He didn't care if he put his hands on Robb, he wasn't going to forgive him for what he did to her.

"You didn't love me! If you truly loved me you wouldn't have put me through the things you did! I don't know why your here maybe because you have no one else so you came running back"

"I did love you remi...I truly loved you! All those days and nights we shared..i was in love with you remi..but then I made a horrible mistake..." he then nodded "you're right..I have no one else..I only have my mother..but almost dying brought me the realization..that I can't live without you..."
Jon started to get more infuriated the longer Robb stood there

She shook her head "no you don't! Stop lying to me Robb you don't love me you never loved me stop lying! " she was getting more and more emotional

"I have no reason to lie to your remi..." he looked at her seeing her getting more emotional "I know you miss the life we used to don't want to stay here at castle black anymore..right? You've been stuck here for months with out getting out..come back with me and be free again."

"You have every reason to lie to me! I don't miss it. It was all a lie all you ever did was lie to me. I am free here at castle black at least here I didn't think about you one moment "

"I never lied to you remi! Everything I ever told you I was being honest..I never lied about talisa in me..the day you found out was the day it happened..and don't say you didn't think of me at all during your stay here..because we both know that's a lie."
Jon looked at her, she had thought about Robb the first few days she was there at castle black.. "remi.." Jon said quietly

She shook her head at him " no I haven't allowed myself to give a single thought about you. you are dead to me You are not my husband you are not my king you are nothing to me nothing but a bad dream and a mistake poorly made on my father's behalf." she's then looked at Jon " he has shown me what a real love is and what it means to truly love someone and to never want to hurt them and to honor that person that they love something that you failed to show and do"

Robb looked at Jon as he listened to her words. "'re choosing him over me? I am better in every way than Jon! He is a bastard! He's apart of the nights watch! You will never be anything with him. With me you will a queen! I will love you remi..far better than Jon ever will...what could he possibly ever give you other than that..that I can't?"

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