Leave You..

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As her father promised he sent his men to help Robb take back winterfell. She hadn't had time to write to Robb she had no time but it was finally time to sail off but little did she know the worst was about to happen. The red women stayed back it was remi ser Davos and her father and the army but all hell broke lose arrows fired everywhere then the worse happened wild fire.. destroyed almost all the ships remi and ser Davos were separated from everyone. But those two weren't together she was knocked out into the sand close by the water while he was by the rocks and soon she was taken by the Lannister's but somehow she was able to get away taking a horse. She was covered in dirty and blood her leg was shot and her clothes were somewhat destroyed she was falling in and out of consciousness

During those days, Robb and his men had began the siege on Winterfell, taking only a few days before they had defeated all the men and reclaimed Winterfell back in the stark name. He patiently waiting for the ravens from Remi but they never arrived. He had the worst thought running through his head at that moment, that something terrible had happened to her. He just couldn't shake the feeling.

Meanwhile, on the trail, an unknown man in a hood road on horseback, a little further south than he should have been but oh well. He kept riding day and night, not really knowing where he was going, just riding.

It had finally happened she had completely knocked out and fell over from the horse she fell hard onto the dirty floor not getting up it was dark and to close to kings landing

The hooded figure was riding near kings landing when an empty horse passed him, it was rather odd so he kept riding, soon finding a body off to the side of the road. He got off horse and noticed who it was and quickly got her into his horse and took her back to his small little camp, covering her. Laying her down to rest as he dug a small hole for the fire to sit in so no one saw the light of fire, his back turned to her

He finally turned his head to look at her as she backed away "Remi.." he said quietly. He wasn't sure why he was brought back but he was thankful to Melisandre for it "we need to speak.."

She shook her head "no we don't. We have nothing to say to one another.. you were dead now your not end of story "

"I was dead..yes...but I was brought back...those Ravens weren't lying when it said I was dead." He looked at her, he wasn't speaking as if he was just joking of anything, he was being dead serious.

She has been out cold for so long and must have been hours when she lost consciousness soon she finally starting to stir wake her body sore, her leg aching She woke up and looked around. She was unfamiliar where she was but then she saw a random person. She got worried for her safety. She made sure to not make a sound. She picked up a dagger behind her back and made her way slowly behind him before she had the dagger against his neck. " move and I won't hesitate to kill you"

The man was now sitting by the fire, cutting up potatoes for the two to eat whenever she would wake. When he was suddenly held at knifepoint. He let out a soft sigh and dropped the potato and the knife. "Why would you want to kill me, remi?" He said, his voice hadn't changed since that day. Strands of his dark curly hair peeked out from the hood as he sat there

She knew that voice but she was worried that she hit her head to hard thinking it was messing with her so she brought the dagger closer "who are you and don't lie to me."

He didn't move his head or anything, he just let out a soft sigh "you know exactly who I am, Remi." He spoke softly and calmly

"Stop lying I don't know who you are but I do know your probably working for the Lannister's trying to bring me back." She kept the dagger closer "so I'll ask one last time who are you"

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