13. 𝙐𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩

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The morning sun streamed through Bora's window, casting a faint glow over her room. The alarm on her phone blared, startling her from the edge of sleep. She groggily reached out to hit the snooze button, intending to steal a few more moments of solace. However, after just a few minutes, her phone buzzed with a series of notifications.

Rubbing her eyes, Bora sat up and checked her phone. It was a barrage of messages – concerned inquiries from her friends, messages from her parents, and even one from Jungwon. Her thumb hovered over the messages, her heart heavy with the weight of the past week.

She glanced at herself in the mirror. Dark circles framed her eyes, evidence of sleepless nights and emotional turmoil. With a sigh, she ran her fingers through her hair in a feeble attempt to tame it. "This isn't alright," she whispered to her reflection, a mix of frustration and exhaustion in her eyes.

Her stomach growled, a stark reminder of her physical needs. Bora glanced towards the kitchen, her gaze landing on the empty fridge. She knew that Saturdays were usually grocery days, but everything felt so distant and irrelevant now.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, making her heart skip a beat. She hesitated, her mind a whirlwind of anxiety. "Who could it be?" she wondered.

"It's me," came Jungwon's voice from the other side of the door, calm and understanding. "I know you might not want to open the door, and that's fine. I just want to know how you're doing. Everyone's worried about you."

Bora leaned her back against the door, her emotions in turmoil. She hesitated, then spoke through the closed door. "I'm... not doing well."

Jungwon's voice remained gentle. "I understand. If you're not ready to talk, that's okay. But if you want to, I'm here."

A mixture of relief and vulnerability flooded through Bora. Slowly, she turned the doorknob and opened the door. Jungwon stood on the other side, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern. She let out a shaky breath, her guard lowering just a fraction.

Jungwon entered and sat down, the weight of his presence oddly comforting. Bora managed a small smile, appreciating his understanding. "I know I probably look a mess."

Jungwon's smile was reassuring. "You don't have to worry about that."

They talked – about trivial things and about her feelings. The words flowed more easily than Bora had anticipated. Jungwon's presence was a balm to her wounded soul, a reminder that she wasn't alone in this storm.

Bora cleared her throat, her gaze steady. "Jungwon, I can't ignore the fact that something's changed between us. You're different and I want to understand why."

As Bora's question hung in the air, Jungwon's gaze turned distant for a moment, his eyes reflecting a tumultuous journey of emotions. He took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully.

Jungwon's gaze dropped to the floor, "Bora, it's not about you. It's about me. I'm dealing with some things that I'm still trying to make sense of."

Bora's heart ached at his words, the sincerity in his voice. "But you don't have to deal with them alone. If something's bothering you, if there's something you want to share, I'm here to listen."

He met her eyes, his gaze holding a mixture of gratitude and regret. "It's not that simple, Bora. Some things are buried so deep that it's hard to bring them to the surface."

"I know it might seem like I'm being cold, but there's a reason behind it – a reason I've never really shared with anyone. A long time ago, before we entered this school, things were different between us. I... I had feelings for you, Bora, feelings I didn't quite understand at that time."

He looked down for a moment, his fingers unconsciously fidgeting  "But life has a way of complicating things. There were reasons I felt like I couldn't tell you about my feelings – fears, uncertainties. And I think you felt the same way too, though I could never be sure."

Jungwon's gaze met hers, a mixture of regret and vulnerability in his eyes. "So, I made a choice, a difficult one. I tried to move on, to forget those feelings and bury them deep within. And I thought I had succeeded until we ended up in the same school. Seeing you every day, those buried feelings resurfaced. It was a storm of emotions, Bora, one I wasn't prepared for."

He looked away, his jaw clenched for a moment as if he was struggling to find the right words. "I started being distant, not because I wanted to hurt you, but because I needed to protect myself. It's easier to be cold than to face what I had tried so hard to suppress."

Jungwon's voice softened, the vulnerability in his words touching Bora's heart. "I don't want you to think I'm uncaring or indifferent. It's the opposite, really. It's because I still care, because those old feelings never truly disappeared. But I'm scared, Bora, scared of what might happen if I let those feelings resurface completely. And that's why I've been distant, both in school and outside."

He looked at her, his gaze intense yet conflicted. "You deserve someone who's not weighed down by their past, someone who can give you all of themselves. I'm not sure if I can be that person."

Jungwon's eyes locked onto Bora's, his gaze both comforting and searching. In that moment, the weight of the world seemed to fade, leaving only the two of them in their own bubble of connection.

Their eyes held each other's for a lingering moment, and then, almost instinctively, their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. It was a gentle meeting of their feelings, a silent affirmation of the bond they were building.

But as their lips parted, Bora's eyes widened, her expression a mix of surprise and realization. "I... I'm sorry," she stammered, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink.

Jungwon's smile was gentle, his fingers lightly brushing against her hand. "No need to apologize," he reassured her, his voice a soothing presence. "It felt right."

Bora's gaze softened, her heart racing as she met his eyes. She felt a rush of warmth, a mix of emotions swirling within her. 

Jungwon's thumb brushed across her cheek, wiping away a stray tear that had escaped her eye. "Sometimes, unexpected things are the most beautiful," he said softly, his words a testament to the depth of his feelings.

Their gazes held, and in that quiet moment, everything felt perfect. The world around them seemed to blur, leaving only the connection they shared. Bora's earlier unease seemed to dissolve into the background, replaced by a newfound sense of comfort.


Omg I'm going crazy rn !! I hope ur enjoying my bookkk

remember to eat your meals and stay happy!

lots of love,


𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙋𝙀𝘼𝙆 || Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now