21. Unforeseen News

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The day started like any other, with the soft light of dawn filtering through Bora's bedroom curtains. But as she opened her eyes, she immediately knew something wasn't right. Her stomach churned uncomfortably, and a wave of nausea swept over her. Quickly, she rushed to the bathroom, heaving for the second time that morning. This wasn't just a passing discomfort; something was wrong.

Summoning all her strength, Bora managed to get dressed, but her legs wobbled beneath her as she tried to stand upright.

Sensing her distress, her mother, a pillar of unwavering support in her life, offered to go to the pharmacy and buy over-the-counter medicines. But Bora, stubborn as ever, shook her head and declined. Medicine couldn't cure what ailed her. She needed answers, not temporary relief.

Instead, she slowly dressed herself and decided to see a doctor. Her mother had always encouraged her to be responsible for her health, and this was one of those moments she couldn't ignore. 

With immense effort, Bora managed to get dressed. She couldn't afford to stay in bed, no matter how much her body begged for rest. Her steps were shaky, each one an act of sheer determination. She descended the stairs slowly, clutching the handrail for support, and made her way to the door.


Arriving at the clinic, Bora checked in, her face pale and eyes heavy with concern. She described her symptoms to the receptionist, who offered a kind smile, though it did little to ease the worry that gnawed at her.

Minutes later, she found herself inside the doctor's office, seated on the examination table, feeling vulnerable and exposed. The doctor, a calm and reassuring figure, listened attentively as she recounted her symptoms. His eyes, trained and perceptive, never left her face as he asked follow-up questions.

Then came the examination, the probing and prodding, the discomfort that came with being poked and tested. Bora tried her best to remain composed, to be the responsible young woman her mother had raised her to be.

The doctor, having gathered enough information, nodded thoughtfully. He reached for a needle to draw some blood, an action that made Bora's heart race. She watched as her own life's essence flowed into the vial, feeling as though she was giving away a part of herself.

With the samples collected, the doctor gave her instructions to return home while they analyzed the results. Bora made her way back, every step feeling heavier than the last, and collapsed onto her bed. She wrapped herself in her blankets and waited, her mind a turbulent sea of anxiety.

The hours stretched like eternity. She was teetering on the edge of sleep, the exhaustion threatening to pull her under, when a soft knock on her door jolted her awake. 

Her heart raced as she stumbled to answer it, revealing Jungwon standing in the doorway, holding a bag of snacks and genuine concern etched across his features.

"I heard you weren't feeling well. Are you alright?" he said softly, his eyes filled with concern.

Bora's eyes welled with tears, not from pain but from the overwhelming relief of having someone who cared so deeply for her. Jungwon embraced her tightly, his warm presence comforting her like a security blanket. His touch, his scent, his very being was a lifeline in that moment of uncertainty.

"Your friends were worried about you," he explained, his voice a soothing melody. "They've called you many times, but you didn't pick up, so I decided to stop by."

He busied himself in her kitchen, making tea and snacks. 

"Warm drinks can sometimes help," he explained as he handed her the cup.

Bora took a grateful sip, finding comfort in the warmth of the tea. She looked up at him, her heart swelling with emotion. "Thank you, Jungwon."

He smiled softly. "Of course. I hate seeing you in pain."

Bora settled back into her bed, and they shared a comfortable silence, the weight of worry gradually lifting from her shoulders. It was in these moments that she realized just how much their relationship had grown, how much he had come to mean to her.

"Cuddles are the best when you're down," Bora whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, as Jungwon's arms wrapped around her. She felt his lips press a gentle kiss to her forehead, sealing the unspoken promise that he'd always be there.

They watched a movie together, laughter and conversation filling the room. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of the moment they shared.

In that embrace, Bora felt safe, cared for, and understood. Despite the discomfort and pain, this unexpected moment had brought them closer than ever before.


Thank you for reading<3

Shorter chapter today because school started aaand I've got many other things to organize so I hope you enjoyed!

Lots of love,


𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙋𝙀𝘼𝙆 || Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now