23. A Promise Unspoken

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Weeks stretched into agonizing months for Bora as she grappled with the relentless progression of her illness. The Saturday routine of visiting Dr. Jongseong Park had become a dreaded ritual of bad news, each diagnosis more disheartening than the last.

On this particular Saturday, when Bora met Jungwon at their bench, he immediately noticed the toll the illness had taken on her. Her once-vibrant eyes were now red and swollen, and her complexion had paled. The weight of her struggle was evident.

As they sat together, Bora began to reminisce about the moments they had shared, a bittersweet recollection of their journey together. A somber silence hung in the air, and in that moment, Bora found the courage to speak her truth. She laid bare the gravity of her condition, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

Jungwon, his own eyes filled with emotion, listened intently. How could she have kept this from him, he wondered? He had been her steadfast support, yet she had chosen to bear this burden alone.

The question that weighed most heavily on his heart escaped his lips, trembling with uncertainty. "Bora, will you get better?"

Bora nodded, her hand finding his, seeking solace and reassurance. "Yes, I will," she whispered softly, her voice quivering. "I promise."

But she knew it was a promise she might not be able to keep. She didn't want to burden him with the truth. For her, the reality was that each day was a battle, and she faced an uncertain future with unwavering determination.

They walked home together, the silent promise hanging heavy in the air. However, as the day wore on, Bora began to feel the all-too-familiar dizziness creep over her. She staggered and nearly collapsed.

When she awoke, the world was a blur. She was surrounded by familiar faces: Jungwon, her parents, and her concerned friends. They had received the news that her condition had deteriorated to the point where hospitalization was the only option.

Later that evening, as Bora's mother packed her belongings, the weight of the situation bore down on them. The hospital room, with its sterile white walls, seemed like a cold and unforgiving place. But her mother sat on the edge of the bed, taking Bora's hand in hers.

Tears welled in her mother's eyes as she spoke softly, "You will be alright, my dear. We'll get through this together."

Bora nodded, clutching her mother's hand. It was a promise shared between them, unspoken but understood. They were in this battle together, and no matter how daunting the road ahead, they would face it as a family.


Thank you for reading! (short chapter ik, sorry, I didn't have any inspiration heheh)

Remember to never skip your meals and stay happy<3

luv y'all


𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙋𝙀𝘼𝙆 || Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now