16. 𝘼 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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Jungwon trudged home from school, his backpack heavy with books and toys. 

"Jungwon!" His older sister Jiwon's voice echoed from the living room. "You're back early today! Did the schoolbus drop you off safely?"

Jungwon offered her a tired smile as he kicked off his shoes. "Yes.. Are mom and dad not home yet?"

Jiwon shook her head, her smile mischievous. "Nope, they left a note. They're having a romantic dinner date. It's just us tonight!"

The idea of having dinner with just his sister felt exciting to Jungwon. As much as he loved his parents, there was something special about these moments with Jiwon. She was his protector, his role model, and his partner in crime all rolled into one.

As the afternoon turned into evening, they prepared dinner together, laughter and teasing filling the air. Jungwon was in charge of setting the table, while Jiwon took care of cooking. The aroma of the meal mingled with the sound of their banter, creating an atmosphere of warmth and familiarity.

Finally, dinner was ready, and they sat down to enjoy the meal. Jiwon had prepared one of Jungwon's favorite dishes, and he savored each bite, feeling grateful for these simple moments that made up their family life.

After dinner, they settled in the living room, the TV casting a soft glow over the space. He leaned against the couch, content in the company of his sister.

Jiwon glanced at the clock and smiled. "Hey, it's almost bedtime for you.. But since it's a Friday you can stay longer up!"

Jungwon smiled, "Yesss!"

"We're keeping this a secret from mom and dad, alright?" she said with a wink.

"I'm going to my room, call me if you need anything."

Jungwon gave her a small nod

The house felt still, a cocoon of silence as Jungwon played alone with his toys in the living room.

Jungwon had been engrossed in his toys, the world of a six-year-old filled with imagination and wonder.

The air was drenched with a strange scent, something unfamiliar. At first, Jungwon brushed it off, attributing it to the quirks of his young imagination. But the scent grew stronger, persistently invading his senses.

It was a smell he couldn't quite place.

Curiosity mingled with caution, Jungwon's young mind aware that something was amiss. And then, he saw it – a flicker of orange dancing on the edge of his vision. His heart raced as he turned his gaze, only for his breath to catch in his throat.


The flames licked hungrily at the curtains, devouring the fabric with a fierce intensity. Panic surged through him, a torrent of fear that threatened to overwhelm his small frame. He knew fire was dangerous; it was something his parents had warned him about. But the reality of it, the raw ferocity of those flames, was something he had never fathomed.

As the fire grew, its crackling becoming a haunting symphony, Jungwon's young mind struggled to comprehend the enormity of the situation. His sister's room was close to the flames, and he knew he had to get her out. Fear and adrenaline surged through his veins as he raced to her room, his small fists pounding on her door.

"Jiwon! Wake up, there's a fire!" he shouted, His young voice trembled with urgency, but there was no response. His sister's door was always locked, Jungwon knew he couldn't stay in the house.

Fear sharpened his senses, and instinct took over. He dashed downstairs, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. Without thinking, he flung open a window and clambered outside. The distance was short, the fall not significant, but his heart raced as adrenaline coursed through his veins.

From the outside, he watched helplessly as smoke billowed from the windows, tendrils of gray merging with the sky. Flames danced and devoured, consuming the safety he had known. In his young mind, the house was a fortress, a sanctuary, and now it was being ravaged by something beyond his understanding.

He ran to the neighbors, and asked them to call an ambulance. 

"Please, you have to come. There's a fire, and my sister..." His voice trailed off, tears blurring his vision.

Outside, neighbors had begun to gather, their faces etched with concern. Sirens wailed in the distance, the sound growing louder as fire trucks raced to the scene. Jungwon watched, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and horror, as firefighters battled the inferno that was consuming their home.

Hours later, when the fire was finally subdued, all that remained was a shell of what had once been a sanctuary. The house that had held their laughter, their secrets, and their dreams now stood charred and broken. Jungwon stood amidst the ruins, his young heart heavy with a sense of loss that went beyond the physical.

The memory of that day would become a scar etched into his soul. It was a day when his world changed, when innocence was replaced by the harsh reality of life's unpredictability.

End of flashback.

𝙎𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙋𝙀𝘼𝙆 || Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now