Chapter 4

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Colby followed closely behind the bubble, trying so hard to catch it. When he finally caught up to it, he stuck out his finger and popped it. A purple glow suddenly appeared and Colby quickly squeezed through the crevice. He made his way through a garden of several plants he didn't recognize. He only narrowly avoided some as they snapped at him.

Colby emerged from the garden into a brightly lit cavern. Colby would be lying if he said it wasn't impressive.

" Come in, my boy," said Katrina.

Colby could fully see her now. Her purple hair and tentacles glistened in the light of the sea as she made her way towards Colby.

" I'm so glad you decided to come," said Katrina. She threw a comforting arm around Colby's shoulder. " Now, tell me everything child, what's on your mind?"

" It's my father," said Colby. " He just doesn't understand."

" Let me guess," said Katrina. " He only wants what's best for you, but doesn't even ask you what you want. You're always reprimanded and controlled."

" Yes, exactly," said Colby. " It's like he doesn't even hear me."

" Well, I'm here to listen," said Katrina. " What do you want, Cole?"

" It's complicated," said Colby.

" If it's complicated, it probably involves humans, am I right?" asked Katrina.

" Yea," said Colby.

" That or love, or both," said Katrina.

" Both," said Colby.

" What's his name?" asked Katrina.

" Sam," said Colby.

" Ah yes," said Katrina. " The boy you saved so many years ago."

" You know about that?" asked Colby.

" News spreads fast in these parts," said Katrina, " but don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I think I have just the thing for you, if you want it of course."

Katrina suddenly swam over to her potions cabinet to gather some ingredients. She set them down as Colby watched her and then she swam back over to him.

"I should warn you, this is a very powerful spell," said Katrina. " It requires a lot of juice. Because of this, there are conditions."

" What kind of conditions?" asked Colby.

" Sam won't remember ever meeting you," said Katrina. " Everything that you two have been through for the past 9 years will be erased."

" Why? How?" asked Colby. " The whole reason I'm doing this is to be with him, what's the point if he doesn't remember me?"

" That's just how it works blue," said Katrina. " However, if you're truly best friends, soulmates, whatever you wanna call it, then getting him to fall for you should be no trouble at all, right?"

" That's a pretty big risk," said Colby.

" That's why I'm giving you a potion that will turn you into a human for 3 days," said Katrina. "You got that! 3 days. If you and Sam become best friends and fall in love before the sun sets on the third day, then you will remain human forever. If not, you turn back into a mercreature and you belong to me. Also, that love must be sealed with a kiss. Not just any kiss, true love's kiss."

" And you're sure this spell will work?" asked Colby.

" Oh it will work, I only wish I could give you more time," said Katrina innocently. " I completely understand if you don't wanna take the deal."

" I'll never see my family again," said Colby.

" That is true," said Katrina. " So, I guess you and Sam will just have to be forced apart forever. So much for destiny, huh?"

Katrina swam away from Colby just in time to hear him respond. " I'll do it!" said Colby.

Katrina had an evil smile across her face as she glanced behind her at Colby. " Very well," she said. " One more thing. You're not allowed to say anything about this deal, not to Sam, not to anyone, if so, the consequences will be quite deadly. For Sam. So do we have a deal, blue?"

" Where do I sign?" asked Colby.

" On the dotted line," said Katrina, opening a scroll. Colby quickly signed.

Katrina began throwing several ingredients into the cauldron. She chanted some weird incantation and suddenly, a whirlpool surrounded Colby. He suddenly had legs.

Colby looked down at them, and then his hands instantly went to his throat as he struggled to breath, gasping for air.

Colby quickly swam up to the surface. He wasn't as fast with legs as he was with a tail, but he made it. He sucked in a massive breath as his head popped out from the water.

Colby was shivering. His human body temperature wasn't adjusted to the cold water. Colby saw a small light up ahead and suddenly it got bigger as it got closer. It was a boat. The man on the boat quickly looked overboard.

" Goodness me," said the man. " Are you alright, lad?"

Colby couldn't speak. He was frozen stiff.

" Let's get you aboard, I'll take you to shore," said the man.

Once Colby was aboard the small boat, the man brought him out a blanket to cover himself with.

" How did you end up all the way out here?" asked the man.

" It's a long story," said Colby.

" Ah, no matter," he said. " Let's get ya to shore."

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