Chapter 13

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Colby quickly flapped his tail to make sure he was able to buy Sam as much time as possible. He watched as Katrina lifted the trident towards the sky, creating an even bigger storm.

Several ships had been launched from the palace to help in the fight. Katrina pointed her trident at them, lighting struck and several fires erupted. Several people on the ships were forced to jump, luckily the merfolk were there to help, rescuing and helping every human they could as soon as they hit the water.

Under the water, a separate fight was happening. One of Colby's brothers, Mike, was helping Jake and Corey fight Tara. All of them were enraged once they had heard of the death of their father and king. Now they were determined to win. Finally, they were able to subdue her, knocking her unconscious. Colby's brother nodded to Jake and Corey, who happily swam around each other in celebration.

Colby looked up at Katrina and then he saw Sam scaling one of her tentacles, using the suction cups as grips. The sword was attached to Sam's belt. Sam slipped several times but he was determined to make it.

" Hey, down here," said Colby. " The kraken called, he wants his tentacles back."

"Ughh, you have been nothing but a sea urchin in my side," said Katrina. " I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?"

" You killed my father," said Colby.

" A small price to pay for love," said Katrina. " Isn't that what this is all about, Colby? You got what you wanted but did you ever once stop to think about what you would have to sacrifice to get it?"

Colby tried to shake off her words. He knew she was trying to get to him.

" You're a merman and he's a human," said Katrina. " I guess daddy didn't teach you how to read the fine print. You were never going to be human forever. Our worlds can never mix. They don't deserve our power or our knowledge, so we need to take control of them before they decide to take control of us."

" You're wrong," said Colby. " We can be part of their world, I've seen wonderful things here. I've seen beauty, love, and kindness."

" He's engaged, Colby," said Katrina. " You never stood a chance. What are you compared to a human prince? Nothing! Sam will see that eventually."

" Wouldn't count on it," said Sam.

Colby's distraction had worked. She hadn't even seen Sam climbing her tentacles. She tried to swipe him away, but Sam dodged. Katrina pointed her trident at him and he had no choice but to jump off but not before he threw the sword towards Katrina. It soared through the air before plunging into Katrina's chest. Katrina gasped as blood began to pour from her chest. She screamed in agony as she bled out, the trident fell from her hands, hitting a rock on the ground and snapping in two. The pieces sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Colby swam quickly to Sam as he hit the water. Sam took in a huge breath as his head emerged from the water. Colby took Sam in his arms. Katrina fell backwards into the water. Several abandoned and fiery ships were crushed as she fell onto them, sinking underneath the water as she returned to her normal size.

Colby shielded Sam as the storms and fighting instantly ceased. The dark clouds slowly parted to reveal blue skies.

" We did it," said Sam.

" Yea, we did it," said Colby.

" Now, we can be together," said Sam.

Colby frowned, tears were forming in his eyes as he looked at Sam.

" We can't," said Colby.

" Yes we can," said Sam. " Why would you say that? What do you mean?"

" Katrina's magic only worked once," said Colby. " I can never turn human again."

"Well, there must be another way, there has to be," said Sam. " What about your father's trident? It gave me a tail, it can give you legs again, right?"

" It can't," said Colby.

" Well then, give me another tail, I don't care," said Sam.

" The trident was destroyed in the fight, and my father is dead," said Colby. " It's powerless now." Sam looked at Colby in disbelief. " I'm sorry, Sam.I really am."

" We need to do something," said Sam. " I can't lose you."

" You won't," said Colby. " I will always love you."

Sam began to cry as he touched his forehead to Colby's, both of them savoring what was likely to be their last moment together.

Colby helped Sam reach the surface. He coughed a little as he made his way out of the water and to the beach. His mother rushed over to him. She quickly met Sam at the edge of the water and hugged him tightly, Sam hugged her back. The queen looked at Sam happily and then she looked over at Colby's bright blue tail, glistening in the sunlight.

" A mercreature?" she asked.

Several of the guards pointed their guns at Colby and drew their swords.

" No, it's alright," said the Queen. " There's no need for that."

The queen looked at Colby happily. " I owe you and your people a debt of gratitude," she said. " We all do. Thank you, for saving my son, for saving us all."

" You're welcome," said Colby.

" I guess my son was right about merfolk," she said. She then looked at Sam. " I'm sorry for not listening to you. I hope you can forgive me."

" Of course, mother," said Sam.

Colby looked at them both and then looked at Prince Brennen standing a few feet behind them.

" I hope you two will be very happy together," said Colby.

He then turned around and swam back into the ocean, hoping to hide his tears. Sam ran to the edge of the water, towards Colby, but stopped as Colby had already dove back under.

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