Chapter 10

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Once Colby had changed out of his wet clothes, he stepped out into the foyer, looking for Sam. When Colby found him, he was shocked to see what was in front of him. Another guy, who Colby could only assume was a prince, was holding Sam's hand. He gently kissed it as he introduced himself.

" Pleasure to meet you, Sam," said Brennen.

"The pleasure is all mine," said Sam.

" Why don't we all go into the dining hall, then we can all get better acquainted over dinner," said the Queen.

" Certainly mother," said Sam, trying to force a smile for her.

Colby watched all of them file into the dining hall. He hurriedly made his way down and tried to enter but one of the guards stopped him.

" I'm sorry sir, but this dinner is private," said the guard. " We will be sure to have some food sent to your quarters."

Sam quickly saw Colby standing at the door before the guard shut the door. Sam's heart was heavy but he was only doing this for his mother.

After dinner, Sam quickly made his way out the dining room, hoping to find Colby, but was stopped as he heard Brennen's voice.

" Sam?" asked Brennen." What's your hurry?"

" I'm sorry," said Sam. " I just have somewhere I really need to be."

" I understand," said Brennen, " but before you go, I wanted to say I had a lovely time tonight."

" I did as well," said Sam.

" I'm glad you think so," said Brennen. " Listen, Sam, I really like you. You're everything I've been looking for and I would really love it if we could get to know each other better."

" Look, you're really nice, but I'm not really looking for love right now," Sam lied. " I only said I would meet with you to please my mother and that's not fair to you. I shouldn't have been leading you on like that. I'm sorry."

" It's okay," said Brennen. " Besides, I think I can change your mind."

Brennen suddenly leaned in to kiss Sam and before he could even react, Brennen's lips were on his.

Colby suddenly rounded the corner and saw Sam and Brennen kissing. Colby watched them, tears in his eyes as he retreated back to his chambers. Sam quickly pulled away from Brennen.

" I'm sorry, I can't do this," said Sam. " I have to go."

Sam found Colby in his room. He was ready to tell Colby how he felt. He was done trying to please his mother. Sam knocked on Colby's door and Colby wiped away his tears before answering. As soon as Colby opened the door, Sam saw his puffy red eyes.

"Everything okay?" asked Sam.

" Yea, I'm fine," said Colby.

" Do you wanna talk about it?" asked Sam.

" No, it's stupid," said Colby. " Forget about it. Shouldn't you be with Prince Brennen?"

" No, that's why I came here," said Sam. " He's sweet, but he doesn't understand what it is to live in the moment. Not like you do."

Colby smiled at Sam. "Are you feeling bold?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" asked Sam.

" Follow me," said Colby.

He then stepped out into the hallway, gesturing for Sam to come with him. Sam and Colby made their way down the main steps of the foyer, and opened the palace doors, hurrying their way across the courtyard to the locked gates of the castle. Sneaking passed the guards, they stopped at the gate between them and the village.

" What are we doing here?" asked Sam.

" What do you say we get out of here?" asked Colby, hoping up onto the stone wall. He sat on it, looking down at Sam.

" We're gonna get into so much trouble if we get caught," said Sam.

" C'mon, take a chance," said Colby, gesturing his hand out to Sam to help him up the wall.

Sam smiled at him, and grasped his hand tightly, hoisting himself up the wall. Both of them hoisted themselves over the edge to the other side.

A figure around the corner watched the two boys, seeing them escape and then the figure retreated into the darkness.

"UGHHH" yelled Katrina. " It wasn't supposed to be this easy! No one falls in love this fast!"

" You did say they were soulmates," said Tara.

Katrina quickly swam over to Tara and got right in her face. " I will feed you to my electric eels if you don't shut the shell up!" she yelled.

She swam back over to her magic bubble. " I'll take matters into my own hands," she said.

The queen quickly got ready for bed and was just about to settle down for the night when a commotion caught her attention. She heard something behind her and she turned to see, but there was nothing. Suddenly there was a knock on her door.

" Enter," she said.

It was one of the maids. " The drink you requested, your highness," she said.

" Yes, of course," said the queen. " Thank you, Xepher."

The queen took the chalice off of the silver tray and took a drink. Suddenly, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her hands went up to her throat. Her breathing grew shallow and she collapsed onto the floor of her chambers.

The maids' eyes glowed purple. Katrina had transformed into the maid but that was only to get to her real prize. She suddenly lightly touched the queen and transformed into her. She quickly hid the unconscious body of the queen and examined herself in the mirror.

" Poor unfortunate soul," said Katrina. She then cackled loudly as she admired the necklace around her neck. The one that contained her magic spell. 

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