Rules of Fire Flight

15 1 0

Players: 2-10

Timer: 15 minutes

Points system: 

Gun hit= 0.5pt*

Missile hit= 1pt

AA/SAM destroyed= 1pt

Building destroyed= 5pt

Bunker destroyed= 10pt

Small ship destroyed= 20pt

Medium ship destroyed= 30pt

Large ship destroyed= 40pt

Carrier destroyed= 50pt

*changes in the story

Game modes:

Team deathmatch (TDM): The most common form of fire flight. Two squadrons fight in a specified area and dogfight within a set time limit. The matches are best 2 of 3. The squadron who scores the most points is declared the winner.

Sudden death: If the two matches result in a tie, match 3 applies "sudden death" as a tiebreaker. Sudden death is played through specifically applied "Simulation rules". As the name implies, Simulation rules follow real life air combat. If an aircraft receives one missile hit or enough bullet hits, that aircraft is out of the game, simulating being shot down. When all squadron aircraft are out of the game, or when there is only one plane left flying, the last remaining pilot(s) win for their squadron.

1v1 deathmatch: While not as common as TDM, 1v1 deathmatch is just as popular as it usually means the very best of the best are going up against each other. It can also be used as individual practice for two pilots. A 1v1 deathmatch is like TDM but with only one plane on each side. Like TDM each match is best 2 of 3 and whoever scores the most points when the timer runs out wins. If the points are tied when the timer runs out the match will automatically switch to sudden death and will run until an aircraft is out of the game.

Ground attack (GA): Each squadron gets a generic, empty base that they have to protect as well as attacking the opponent's base. Combat rules are the same as TDM but emphasizes attacking the base more than air combat. Whoever does the most damage to the opponent's base when the timer runs out, or destroys it completely beforehand, wins.

Co-op ground attack (CGA): More cooperative than the previous game modes, both squadrons have to attack the same large base. Since the competing squadrons are supposed to work together, air-to-air combat between squadrons are voided. Instead the competition lies in doing a better job at destroying the base than the opponents. Whoever does the better job by scoring the most points wins.

NOTE: Bases in GA and CGA have automated anti-air defense in the form of AA and SAMs. Every hit the AA defenses makes to a plane is a deduction of points to the respective squadron. The deduction of points is based on the same points system as player aircraft.

Naval attack and Co-op Naval attack (NA/CNA): The rules are the same as regular ground attack but with ships in place of buildings.

Ring scramble: An event that emphasizes aircraft mastery over combat. Rings hover throughout a specified area, usually one with complex terrain. Some rings are placed in trickier spots than others. Squadrons are to fly through rings in order to claim them as their own. However, the rings can be taken by the opponents if they fly through the same ring. Whoever claims the most rings when the timer runs out wins.

Ring collection: Like ring scramble, squadrons are to fly through as many rings as possible. The main difference is that this time planes that fly through rings collect them with points added to their team and they can only be collected once. The rings give points in accordance to how hard it is to collect them. For example, rings that hover in a spot that's tough to reach award more points than a ring one can simply fly to. The riskiest rings that award the most points usually hover in spots that require incredible skill of the pilot. The team who has the most points when the timer runs out wins.

Ring race: Simply a time trial where a course is made by rings. All pilots from both competing squadrons fly through the course one at a time. The pilot who sets the shortest time wins for their respective squadron.

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