Chapter 18: Kings

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It was the Ripper. His state-of-the-art F-22 was loaded with dummy munitions. He was flying into the operation zone.

Ryan: After defeating the Golden Dragon Squadron in China, I've been itching to tussle with you lot. You and your childish behavior, flying about like you're one of us. It's time to put you in your place. And I'll start with you, poster boy.

The moment he was in weapons range, Ryan fired a shot. Kevin flipped his plane to dodge it.

Commentator: I don't believe it! The legendary ace, Ryan McArthur, known as the Ripper, has challenged Kevin McNamara to a one-on-one deathmatch! How will the young pilot handle a seasoned veteran?

Kevin: Why do you hate us so much?!

Ryan: You people pretend to be like us with your sport. It's just insulting. You fire these ammunition like they're toys while the real ones can actually KILL people. You'll never get the satisfaction of tasting blood...

Kevin: You're crazy! What did we ever do to you?

Kevin started flying horizontally, both flying in a one-circle.

Ryan: You perform your shitty display of combat, which is laughable by the way. It's not just you, but EVERYONE'S very existence is a problem! I'll show you what a real fighter pilot is!

Jeremiah: Well that's just a very bad reason for hating us.

Mavis: Some people are just beyond reasoning...

Kevin: You oughta be crazy for hating us just for that!

Ryan: It's not crazy. I'm just sick and tired from being offended by you, by your sport. If you think you have what it takes then beat me! I have lowered to your level by participating in this child's play. Whoever wins is the best pilot.

Official: <<Kevin McNamara, engage Ryan McArthur. As a special request from the other player, this will be a one round deathmatch.>>

Kevin: Alright fine! I'll play along! I'll show you how we play here!

Kevin got on Ryan's tail and fired a missile. Ryan dodged it effortlessly. In retaliation, Ryan pulled a cobra maneuver and ended up on Kevin's tail. He unloaded three shots which connected.

Ryan 3 - 0 Kevin

Ryan: That all you got?!

Kevin: No, I got more!

Kevin brake checked Ryan and fired his gun.

Ryan 3 - 2 Kevin

Ryan: Not bad, kid. But it'll take more than that to stop me.

Ryan pulled a vectored flip to the other direction and Kevin had to turn normally. But when he did turn around Ryan double-backed to go head on. This instinctively made Kevin pull away with Ryan following him, leading into a scissor maneuver. As they were crossing paths Ryan snuck in a missile blow.

Ryan 4 - 2 Kevin

Kevin slowed down to a hover and Ryan flew by. Ryan was turning around as Kevin sprayed him consistently with bullets as he rotated in place. Ryan fired a missile but Kevin dodged it by doing a side roll.

Ryan 4 - 3.5 Kevin

Ryan: I gotta hand it to ya, kid. I've only seen that done a handful of times. Where'd you learn that?

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