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It was a beautiful day in Monarca, California. The summer skies were clear and the winds were calm. It was exhibition day at Monarca High School, where the fire flight team was putting on a match with Springfield Prep. Kristopher and his crew were doing what they do best: fly and fight.

Kristopher: Jester, chase that Viper down. Me and Twintails are gonna get the other two.

Jeremiah: Roger that, good buddy.

Marcy: I'm with you, hun, just say the word.

Springfield 1: That pilot is really good! How the hell are they moving those relics so well!

Springfield 3: I don't know, but the lead bird is on me.

Kristopher: Twintails, engage the other one, now!

Marcy: On it!

Marcy pulls a loop and got on Springfield 2's tail.

Mavis: Everything is lined up and ready to go. On you, sis.

Springfield 2: Shit! They're on me! Jinking now!

Springfield 2 tries to evade Marcy

Marcy: Nice try, but I got you in my sights! Fox two!

Marcy fires a missile landing square on Springfield 2's tail.

Home 17- 14 Away

Springfield 2: DAMMIT!

Springfield 2 started swiveling his head trying to find Marcy. Jeremiah had landed two missiles and seven bullets into Springfield 1

Home 22.5- 14 Away

Springfield 1: Damn these guys are good!

Springfield 3: You're just saying that now!

Springfield 2 was so busy looking behind him that he wasn't looking where he was flying.


Springfield 2: OH SHIT!

Springfield 2 pulled up so fast that he wasn't paying attention to what was above him. He was so tunneled into trying to not crash into the ground that he didn't realize that after pulling up he was heading straight into Kristopher's plane that was in the middle of a split-s.

Springfield 2: NONONONONONO!!

Kristopher: Oh Lord!

Kristopher and Springfield 2 tried rolling away from each other but Kristopher was flying slow enough that the F-14's variable sweep wings opened up automatically in the worst moment possible. The right wing opened up enough for Springfield 2's right wing to collide, ripping off a chunk off of Kristopher's jet and the debris also sheared away his right elevator.


Jeremiah: SHIT!

Springfield 2 had enough altitude that he was lucky enough to bail out safely. Kristopher, however, was not so lucky. Because of his maneuver, he was already low to the ground. Couple that with his plane losing all control on his right side, and he is literally corkscrewing towards the earth. He tried to bail out and he did eject, but by then he might as well have not tried to eject at all. His ejector seat launched him straight into the ground anyway. His plane exploded right after. The crowd reacted in horror and shock.

Marcy: NOOO-OO!!!

Jeremiah: This isn't's just not...

Mavis: is happening...No one could've survived that.

Springfield 1: Springfield 1 to Springfield 2, do you copy?

Springfield 2: Yeah, yeah, but don't worry about me, look what just happened! My god...

Springfield 3: I suggest we put our planes down, ma'am. There's no point in this match anymore.

Springfield 1: Yes, that's the only thing we can do now.

Marcy broke down in tears right there in the pilot's seat.

Mavis: Marcy, calm down. You're still flying.

Marcy: W-what would it matter...*sniff*...K-Kris is dead...

Mavis: I know but, that's no excuse to be careless. The other team is landing their planes. We should do the same.

Marcy: *sniff* Yeah...

Jeremiah: *long sigh* C'mon, Marcy. If we're gonna process what the hell just happened, might as well be on the ground.

All the aircraft in each team landed safely. All the emergency vehicles drove right to the crash site. One of them recovered Springfield 2. When he arrived, Marcy lunged at him and started attacking him.


Mavis and Jeremiah struggled but successfully pulled Marcy off of Springfield 2.

Springfield 2 (now bruised and bleeding): I wasn't paying attention...*cough*...Yeah, I probably deserved that...*cough*

Marcy fell on her knees and just broke down right in the middle of the desert.


Monarca is not a big town, so it's not surprising that news traveled quickly. After all, it's not hard to miss a plane crash on any scale, let alone one involving a fighter jet. The school set up a memorial site at the entrance for anyone to visit to pay their respects. So many people visited and filled up the memorial so much that the flowers and candles were literally stacked on top of each other. Dozens of people also visited Kristopher's family, who were still in shock. During the wake, so many people showed up to say good things about him that it went on for over two hours. And these aren't people that just pretended to care, all their thoughts and prayers were genuine, too. The last person to take the stand was the principal himself. He honored Kristopher's death by officially renaming the fire flight team: "The Monarca Kestrels". After the burial, there was an opening for Kristopher's sin the fire flight squadron. No one wanted it. It was just too soon to be asking people to fill in his place.

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