Chapter 16: A Playground Game

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Commenter: The next event is ring collection. Basically a scavenger hunt with rings to collect. The team with the most points by collecting rings wins.

Tokyo proceeded to be littered with rings again, but now they were scattered everywhere. On top of buildings, in between tight spaces, and some were even placed underneath bridges.

Kevin: Ok team, I'll go for the rings that are the hardest to get. The rest of you collect as many as you can. Be fast but not too fast. We have buildings and skyscrapers to dodge as well.

When everything was ready, the two teams set off into the city. As planned, Kevin flew low to look for rings while Jeremiah went medium and Marcy high. The two Tomcats collected some rings.

Home 0 - 5 Away

The Hayabusas weren't slacking either. They wasted no time collecting rings, too.

Home 7 - 5 Away

Kevin found a ring situated under an overpass.

Kevin: Found you!

He flew through it, awarding his team with 15 points.

Home 10 - 24 Away

It wasn't easy flying so low, however. He had to pull his vectoring lever so he could hover in some places. Up above, his team was grabbing ring after ring while the opponents were doing the same.

Home 16 - 29 Away

Hayabusa 1: (In Japanese) I'll fly low to collect the rings. You two take care of things up here.

The other Hayabusas: (In Japanese) Copy.

Hayabusa 1 flew down to Kevin's level. He snatched a ring right when Kevin was hovering towards it.

Home 35 - 33 Away

Kevin: Hey!

Mavis: You have to be quicker than that, Kevin.

Kevin: I'm trying but they really tucked these rings in tight.

Jeremiah: There shouldn't be many rings left down there. When you finish up, help us out up here.

Kevin: I know, I know.

Kevin scoured the low levels and found some more rings.

Kevin: Gotcha!

Home 63 - 87 Away

Hayabusa 1 found some, himself.

Home 94 - 92 Away

When the timer ran out, the match ended. In the end, the final score was 105 - 110. The Kestrels won by a mere 5 points.

Marcy: Phew, I was starting to worry, there.

Jeremiah: You're telling me. I was sweating at one point.

Kevin: Well at least we won the second event. The TDM will be the tiebreaker. We're still in this, Kestrels. I won't let you down.

Mavis: And we won't fail you either.

Marcy: Yeah. We're in this together.

It was finally time for the Team Deathmatch. The planes of both teams were loaded up with dummy munitions.

Oscar: The F-15 surpasses the F-14 in many aspects, but knowing you guys you can even the odds at least. Even though the F-2 is the support plane, the flight lead is piloting it. He can keep up with you even though it's basically a modified F-16. He has the ECM pod to support his wingmen, who are essentially the main muscle of the group, and his assists elevate their attack potential even more. Like I said earlier, the pod can only activate in bursts. I recommend attacking with missiles when it's not active while attacking with guns when it is. After all, bullets don't need to lock on. The radars show the area of coverage so keep a close eye on it.

Marcy: I like the sound of that plan.

Mavis: I agree.

Jeremiah: Me too.

Kevin: Same.

The teams took off to perform the TDM.

Commenter: Finally folks, the last event of the American fire flight season: A Team Deathmatch against the best fire flyers in Japan. Who will win: The Kestrels that rose from the ashes like a phoenix? Or will it be the Peregrine Falcons from the land of the rising sun? Time to place your bets now if you haven't already, because this game is ON!

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