Chapter 12: The Truth

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Kevin took Sayuki to dinner that night.

Kevin: Now that we're official, I think it's only appropriate that we have dinner on the top floor.

Sayuki: I like the way you think.

Kevin: Which restaurant do you want?

Sayuki: Hmm. What about Sushi tetsudō? That's very popular because of the train theme.

Kevin: Alright. I'm buying.

Sayuki: I know, silly~

The new couple entered the train-themed conveyor belt sushi restaurant. As expected, the food was being spun around a large belt around the room, giving the appearance of being pulled by locomotives of various eras. The two sat down and already started plucking dishes off of the belt.

Kevin: If only my cousin can see me now...

Sayuki: Who?

Kevin: Oh. My cousin Rose, though we like to call her "Rosebud". She works on the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Railroad. I hear it's a quaint little railroad. She heard about this place and always wanted to go.

Sayuki: Where is that railroad?

Kevin: As the name suggests, it's located in the state of Pennsylvania and stretches all the way to New Jersey. Both are on the opposite side of the country from my hometown. Again, it's small compared to the other railroad companies in the U.S., but she enjoys her career there. She says that her line consists of the most classic and foreign locomotives in service than any other railroad in the country, thus bringing in a lot of tourists.

They ate while they talked.

Sayuki: So interesting...your whole family have interesting lives, yours included.

Kevin shrugged.

Kevin: We do our part in the world. What about you?

Sayuki: I'm just going to school and playing volleyball while my parents run this mall. I do have a cousin running a Mazda tuning shop in Tokyo. I send my car there for maintenance and repairs.

Kevin: Speaking of which, when is the next volleyball match? I would love to watch you play for real.

Sayuki: This Tuesday. We're playing against a rival school.

Kevin: Name the time and place and I'll be there.

Sayuki: You won't have to worry too much. It's being held right here. I'll just bring you along.

Kevin: Thanks. I'll be sure to do the same when my team plays against the Hayabusas. Speaking of which, I'm gonna practice with the others tomorrow. You coming?

Sayuki: Of course.

Kevin smiled.


After a big dinner and a lengthy walk around the mall, Sayuki kissed Kevin goodnight before they parted ways. Kevin entered his room.

Jeremiah: Hey, Kev.

Kevin: Hey, Jerm.

Jeremiah: How'd your date go?

Kevin: Fantastic.

Jeremiah: Good. It's about time you two hooked up. Tomorrow we're gonna practice. You gonna invite her?

Kevin: Already did.

Kevin turned on the news.

Reporter: Chinese soldiers are destroying any town that opposes them, this devastation against their countrymen has been met with worldwide backlash. This has led to the rise of support for mercenary groups like the Black Bayonettes, as they fight against the Chinese government alongside the resistance force. Members of the Black Bayonettes have been seen helping the victims of the devastation by giving them food, shelter, and protection. This has moved some of the victims so much that some even volunteered to fight alongside and even join the Bayonettes. While mercenary groups are still viewed in dim light, everyone can agree that this form of generosity is a good look for the Bayonettes. The fighter squadron sent by the United States landed in Haneda Airport this evening. They intend to survey the civil war from a distance, only engaging when provoked. They state that they will only stay for a week and report their observations, and then return to the U.S.

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