Chapter 15: The Need for Speed

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Saturday. Game day. Everything was prepared in just a little over a week, significantly faster than predicted. The Hayabusas landed in their home country that morning. Even though they just landed after a chaotic journey over Europe and taking a large detour around China, they still had energy to fight. The Kestrels were preparing their planes for fire flight. They took one look at the Hayabusas craft: 2 F-15Js and 1 F-2A SK. Oscar called the team over.

Oscar: The Hayabusas use the F-2A as a support craft while the Eagles are the main muscle. See that device under the main fuselage?

The Kestrels looked at the bottom of the Super Kai.

Oscar: That device is an ECM pod. EW technology in fire flight only functions at a fraction of what they're really capable of in actual warfare. In this case, ECM pods enhance the user and their allies' weapons by 10% while hindering the opponent's weapons by the same amount. We have to be careful when they have that thing active. Thankfully for us, the device can only be used in intervals rather than continuous so as to not overheat. Use that to your advantage.

Kevin: How will we know when it's in use and we're affected?

Oscar: Your HUD will tell you.

Marcy: Will we be using the same tactic?

Kevin: Yeah.

Jeremiah: I think we can take them.

Oscar: There is one more thing: It's not just a TDM. They also prepped all of Tokyo for ring races. You guys have to weave through buildings and set fast times. There's also a ring collection, too. I guess Japan really wants to put on a show before the main event. You'll only have to worry about the ECM pod on the deathmatch.

Mavis: That's a relief.

Kevin: Yeah, at least we can focus on the other stuff before we have to worry about EW.

Oscar: You won't be carrying weapons in the first two matches. You'll be fine. Consider the two matches a warm up.

Sayuki walked up.

Sayuki: Good luck, Kestrels. I will be cheering you on from the grandstands.

Marcy: Thanks, Sayuki.

Kevin: Whatever happens, I dedicate this performance to you.

Sayuki kissed Kevin's cheek.

Sayuki: Thank you. Now fly, my handsome green warrior.

She walked away to the grandstands. On the Hayabusa's side...

Hayabusa 2 (F-15J): (In Japanese) Do they really think those pieces of junk can hit us?

Hayabusa 1 (F-2A SK): (In Japanese) Send those outsiders back home with their antiques!

The whole event was being televised by various news and sports broadcasting channels from around the world. It would be hard to miss it. Thus, everyone and their parents could watch, and many already were tuned in.

Commenter: Welcome everyone to the final fire flight match of the American season, where the final match is being kindly hosted by Japan. The squadron that represents America's best is the Monarca Kestrels from California. A smaller group that has risen from tragic ashes and is reborn into a powerful force. It's no secret that these pilots were supposed to be competing in China but as you all know, China is in a countrywide conflict so they had to be diverted here. Locals state that the boys and girls in the squadron have been made very comfortable during their stay and have made many acquaintances along the way, some even more so...

Kevin: Did they really have to add that last bit?

Jeremiah: Dude, everyone saw you and Sayuki on top of the mall that night.

Commenter: The Hayabusas didn't exactly have a simple flight either. According to them in an earlier interview, Japan's best flew non-stop over Europe and around China. After a long and nerve-wracking flight, Japan welcomed its sons with open arms just this morning. Despite their travels, they say that they still have the energy to compete today, incredible! We give our thoughts and prayers to the people of China as their civil war rages on as we speak. For now, let's start the conclusion of the American season!

Everyone in the crowd cheered.

Commenter: The first match is a ring race. Checkpoints are strewn across Tokyo in the form of a technical course. Each pilot from both teams will run through the course one at a time. Best time wins.

The course in question took into account the handling of all aircraft involved. Thus, the course weaved through the buildings and landmarks of the city, ending at Tokyo Tower. The first plane to start was from the Hayabusa team. The Eagle took off and followed the course carefully but quickly. They set a time of 2:53.5. A high bar to start with. The other two planes of the team took their turns and the second Eagle did a 2:54.3 and the Super Kai set a 2:51.9. Now it was the Kestrel's turn. Marcy went first.

Marcy: Hanging in there, sis?

Mavis: We're not being fired upon for once. I'm not complaining.

Marcy: Then buckle up and hold on!

Marcy took off aggressively. She went inside the corners missing the skyscrapers by mere feet.

Marcy: This was always kinda fun.

Mavis: I don't even have to do anything but sit back and enjoy the ride.

Marcy set a 2:54.7. Close, but not close enough.

Marcy: Damn!

Mavis: Please, fellas. Do better than us.

Jeremiah: You don't have to tell me twice!

Jeremiah started the time trial at a fast pace trying to mimic the same flying line as Marcy.

Kevin: Don't forget about your throttle. The engines need time to spool up.

Jeremiah: Copy.

Jeremiah took the same lines while improving in some areas. Despite that, Jeremiah could only set a 2:53.6.

Jeremiah: Damn. Sorry, Kev.

Kevin: You did your best. Now it's my turn.

Kevin set off. He used the Harrier's small size and thrust vectoring to his advantage. It zipped around the tight corners but lacked in the straights. He finished the race with a 2:52.3.

Kevin: Shit...

The Kestrels lost the ring race. The next event was the ring collection.

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