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Kahar is taking care of Nisa...


"Hmmmm...semua student dah balik dorm masing-masing lepas dapat tau yang warden tengah ronda." Amilia report to Nurin. Ayam look at Fatin with big smile. "Aku just nak cakap yang SUMPAH GEMPAK GILA KORANG PUNYA FIGHT!!! TAK PERNAH LAGI AKU NAMPAK PEREMPUAN SAMA PEREMPUAN GADUH SEGEMPAK TU!"

Fatin could sense the leftover excitement through his tone and body language. All she could do was nod her head and laugh, take it as a compliment. The door slowly opened, creating a creaking sound and all of them turned to look at the was...

"Maryam? Kau buat ape kat sini?" Alya asks the girl in pure confusion. "MARYAM?!" Nurin, Amilia, and Fatin ask in unison. She timidly walks inside and sits beside Amilia, who's sitting on Nurin's left side, while on the right side, there's Naim and Amir beside him. Across them are Fatin and Alya, Fakhri and Ayam.

"Aku nampak kau punya Manifesto dengan Nisa tadi. Aku respect gila kau sebab berani lawan dia and successfully bawak dia masuk ring. Tapi...kalau kau nampak la, Nisa tak guna tenaga dia sepenuhnya." Maryam softly tell them. "Maksud kau?" Fakhri ask while frowning.

"Nisa mungkin guna around...30% dia punye tenaga? Sebab, aku pernah nampak dia berlawan habis-habisan dengan High Council team 2 tahun lepas, dengan segelintir anak kelanai form 5 around...50 orang? Lelaki, perempuan." Their jaw drop and eyes widen like plate.

"Maryam...sorry kalau aku tanya pasal benda ni tapi aku cuma nak clarification je. Pasal.." "Pasal kes mati tahun lepas?" Nurin fell in silence but nod her head anyway, hesitantly. Maryam sigh and look at Nurin with small smile. "Dia orang kawan aku dari darjah 1...masa aku jumpa mayat dia orang, aku lebih takut dari sedih. Sebab dia orang tergantung dekat pokok macam kepompong. Semua berbalut kain."

Ayam slowly covered his ear, not wanting not hear such a story but Fakhri pulled his hand forcefully, wanting him to hear the story. "Betul ke dia orang bunuh diri sebab Nisa? Itu yang Hani cerita." Alya scratches her head in frustration. "Hal ni sebenarnya...
memang antara dia orang dengan Nisa je. Aku tak tau pape pon." Maryam state.

The door burst open, causing all of them to flinch, revealing Nisa with her gang. Fatin is taken aback by her sudden appearance since she doesn't like to see the person whom she lost to. Especially someone arrogant like Nisa.

Without saying anything, Nisa hands a bottle of massaging oil toward Fatin, and Alya takes it. "Kau rehat je untuk seminggu ni. Aku bagi tau cikgu yang kau sakit, lebam dekat area situ susah nak hilang. Rehat." She left the room. Sofya placed a tray full of cups and a glass kettle. She hands Alya a box of...herbs?

"Kau pikir ni zaman bila nak minum benda macam ni." Naim said nonchalantly. "Eh, aku pernah minum, aku tau la. Not only kau kena sembuh luka luar but also luka dalam. Nak cepat baik kan, boil, lepas tu minum." She ruffle Fatin's hair and left.

..."Ummm...ape jadi tadi?" Fatin blankly look around. "Sofya tu baik la sebenarnya. Cuma dia diva sikit, anak orang kaya kan." Amilia state. "Bapak dia sape?" Amir finally open his mouth. "Parent dia doktor. Ade hospital dengan klinik sendiri. Swasta. Ape-ape pasal perubatan memang kita orang semua tanye Sofya." Nurin reply while pouring tea.

Fakhri feeds Fatin since she's too tired to lift up her finger, meanwhile, Alya and Amilia sneak into the kitchen to boil the herbs, according to the instructions on the box. All of them spend the whole night in the school clinic, giving Fatin a company.


3 days later, Kahar tries his best to persuade Ayuni to bring him to meet Fatin since he wants to see her condition. "Kau ni Kahar, kan kau ade lesen. Buat ape mintak aku bawakkan?" Ayuni indirectly rejects his wishes as they walk side by side.

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