Final Chapter

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A peaceful silence has finally taken place while the hall still echoes with the male student's voices. The two female siblings waited for their male cousins patiently...without noticing someone...approaching them.


Fatin looked up when she saw a pair of shoes as she was facing the ground. Surprisingly, it was Maryam. She timidly stood in front of Fatin with an awkward does she want now? "Yes, Maryam?" Her sudden question caught the older one's attention.

"Aku...nak bagi tahu korang satu benda. Boleh tak?" Before Fatin could say anything, Nurin cutted her off, "Eh boleh aja~ duduk sini." She patted the empty seat between them and Maryam sit. "Sebenarnya...korang ingat tak fitnah Nisa bunuh kawan aku?"

Nurin was caught off guard by the question. She didn't expect that Maryam would ask something related to the past but they nodded anyway. "Dia orang mati lepas Nisa...bagi tahu ape yang kakak kita orang buat dekat dia." Maryam tried hard to not burst into tears.

"Kita orang jadi kawan pon sebab kakak kita orang. Tak dapat terima realiti, dia orang sanggup bunuh diri. Tak sanggup nak hadap mangsa buli kakak dia orang, dia orang mati gant*ng diri dekat hutan." Fatin and Nurin remained quiet, not know what to do or say.

"Kes ni jadi bahan gossip orang lepas Hani buat fitnah yang Nisa bunuh dia orang, walhal itu jalan yang dia orang pilih sebab tak tahan malu dengan kesalahan kakak dia orang sendiri. Aku terpaksa tipu korang. Aku tau je sebab dia orang bunuh diri."

"Sebab aku pon hampir buat benda yang sama..." Maryam pulls up her sleeve, showing the scar on her wrist.

Fatin slowly take Maryam's hand in hers and strokes the feels...
fresh. "Benda ni dah lama dah orang lupakan. Lagi pon, Hani kalah dengan Nisa secara adil walaupun..." Nurin was hesitant to finish her sentence. "Dia tikam Nisa?" Fatin glance at her.

"Macam mana kau tau?" Fatin asks and lets go of her hands. "Hani sendiri mengaku." Oh wow...they definitely did not expect that. Not at all. "Perlu kau tau Maryam. Ape yang kakak kau dengan kawan dia buat, bukan dosa korang untuk tanggung."

"Aku tau Nurin, which is why aku tak jadi bunuh diri. Nisa buat aku sedar yang kesalahan orang lain, kita tak perlu tanggung pun...rasa pentingkan diri sendiri tu kena ade jugak." She faked a smile. She still haunted by her sister's past deed to Nisa.

"Dah. Aku tak nak kita cakap pasal hal kakak kau lagi, got it?" Nurin reassured Maryam with a wink that everything was okay. They then heard a commotion behind them and saw the male students had already finished. From afar, Fatin saw Kahar walking out of the hall with his head facing down. She approaches him.

"Kahar? Asal ni?" She had a hunch that it was something related to his father. "Haih. Tak lain tak bukan bapak aku la, dia nampak...kecewa." He sighs in defeat but also relief that he doesn't have to do anything about Naim and Fakhri's Manifesto case.

Soon, from the corner of her eyes, Fakhri is seen to be walking towards them so Kahar turns around to face him. "Fakhri." "Kahar." Fakhri nodded with a small smile. Suddenly, they shake their hands and hug each other, as if to comfort one another.

"Looks like korang dah make up, hm?" As they hugged, the sound of a voice startled the two boys and they quickly pulled away. "Kakak." Kahar hugged Nisa tightly, his eyes welling up with tears as he feared for their father. Nisa comforted him by stroking his back. Soon Nurin and Naim joined them.

"Ape jadi dekat Hani dengan kau?" Fatin asked and Nisa sigh. "Dia ambik full responsibility untuk ape yang jadi dekat aku and dia berhenti. Hari ni last day dia so...aku takde la dendam sangat. Aku maafkan dia." Nisa shrugged off her shoulder.

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