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AKU AKAN HARAMKAN HIGH COUNCIL...SELAMA-LAMANYA..." Nisa immediately senses...something will happen in the future...but not a good thing...


"According to Nisa, Uraissa and Arissa..yes. Itu yang dia orang nampak and dengar." Sofya looks at the siblings. Nurin and Fatin look at each other, worrying for their cousin's safety...afraid that they might kill each other for this stupid tradition.

"Thank you kak Sofya." Nurin reply with sad tone. Sofya pat her shoulder, "Hal anak jantan...biar dia orang yang solve. But one day dia orang perlukan pertolongan korang jugak." She left. "So sekarang macam mana Kak? Atin takut..." Nurin immediately put up her index and look at Fatin.

"Kadang-kadang untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu..kita perlukan pergorbanan...kita akan prepare for worst..." Fatin sigh and lean her head on the wall. Alya appear before them to meet Fatin. Probably she wasn't ready with the news...

"Fatin...Kahar...ada kes DADAH." Fatin snap her eyes open and sit up properly. "KAHAR?! KAT MANA?!" Nurin is shock to her sister like this and she blink her eyes many times to make sure she see things right. "Rasanya dia dah balik dorm dia, tadi masa aku nak jumpa pengetua, nampak dia kena tampar dengan bapak dia-" Fatin run away, to find Kahar.

..."Dia suka Kahar ke?" Nurin and Alya stare at Fatin's running figure..."Maybe"...Alya replies nonchalantly...


The first place that came up in her mind was their hang-out place, behind the school where he always smoked with his gang and...she was right. He's there...alone. "Kahar..." She softly calls him out..he wipes off his tears and if Fatin is not there.

"Kau pusing pon aku still nampak kau buat ape." Kahar sighs and looks at her. "Okay fine. Kau nak ape?" Fatin kept quiet and looked on the ground, still waiting for his answer. "Itu jawapan aku." "Ha? Kau tak cakap pape pon." He stands in front of her.

"Aku datang sebab aku nak. Kahar..kau tak payah la nak letak imej anak jantan depan aku. Kau nak nangis kan?" He burst into tears right after she finished her word. After a while, both of them now sitting on the ground.

..."Nonetheless...aku respect kau for taking full responsibility for what you've done. Hmph, that's real jantan." "Fatin...aku tak tau tujuan aku dekat Kudrat ni. Aku ni Kapla yang baik ke? Anak yang baik ke? Pelajar yang baik ke..? Aku buntu..." Kahar exhaled the cigarette smoke while staring up at the sky.

"Macam yang kau tau...aku ade kakak. Aku tau kau kenal dia. Aku separate dengan dia for 6 years sebab along pergi jual kita orang kat orang kaya yang takde anak. Untuk 6 tahun tu jugak aku simpan dendam dengan dia sebab aku ingat dia bunuh aku. Abang kita orang." Kahar finally look Fatin.

"Aku buntu...hidup sebagai orang kaya..atau hidup sebagai orang biasa..tapi lepas bapak angkat aku meninggal, aku sedar yang aku tak boleh nak jadi sape-sape yang parent aku harapkan. Jadi mak aku pesan dua benda je...jangan menyusahkan orang lain..and...hidup..tu je dia nak." Fatin finally made an eye contact with Kahar.

"Kau...nak aku...hidup?" Kahar hesitantly asked her. "Mungkin, kalau itu ape yang kau pikir." Kahar finally understands that Fatin is not good at comforting people but he still smiles because of her effort. She is surprised to see a smile on his face.

"Kau..asal kau tiba senyum?" She ask in confusion. "Kau tak pandai pujuk orang tapi kau punye effort tu, buat aku terharu sikit. Thank you." His smile expand, cause her to blush a little.

"Jadi kau dah rasa okay sikit ke?" "Bukan nya aku boleh putarkan balik ape yang aku dah buat kan? Hadap je la..." He closes his eyes and leans his back onto the wall. Fatin couldn't say much since she was afraid that she might cross the line so she stayed quiet and there for him.

PHC: More Breed Of Chaos | ENG X MALAY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now