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傲慢なビッチ .

SHINOBU WAS ABLE TO BLEND IN quite well. He was always friendly, but as much as he disliked it, he was forced to hang out with Y/N and Akaza since they were the only ones who were actually from his world, also because Shinobu was fairly uncomfortable with other people nagging him on and on.

(Ok the hero names were supposed to be earlier chap but since Shinobu happened it's going to be today😭😭)

Today, Aiazawa informed us of making Hero names, or Code names. "This is related to the draft nominations by pro's I mentioned the other day. The nominations will truly start mattering only after you've gained some experience and your adaptable fighting ability is judged during you sophomore years." Aizawa continued to blabber on, Y/N found herself getting bored.

A new teacher welcomes herself in with her hands behind her, showing off her clothed armpits and her boobs hanging by a thread of her clothing. Y/N immediately shuddered at the thought of wearing something like that. "The names you come to be known by the world as now!" Midnight says."in many ways, they stay that way after becoming pros."

The class erputs in cheers and murmurs, finding the presence of the woman quite unbeliveable. Shinobu sits unimpressed, simply smiling. Y/N was staring at the board with a blank face. It's clear her mind was drifting away. "I'll be having Ms. Midnight evaluate your naming sense."

Of course the class grows quiet, thinking of possible things to name themselves. It was clear everyone thought hard, except for the three.

Everyone went on their own turns, with Y/N laughing at Aoyama's chosen name. Who names themselves after an sentence? Of course, Y/N had already scratched down what she wanted to name herself. Finally, It was Y/N's turn.

Y/N walked in the front, showing what was written in her board. "Douma? What does that stand for?" Mina asks, scratching her hair. Y/N smiles, showing off her sharp canines. "I have absolutely no idea!" She replies. The class slumps, but listens when Y/N speaks once more. "I just feel like, this is the right one."

Akaza squints his eyes, while Shinobu scoffs. Shinobu was then next. He comes up with an cheerful smile, bouncing in his step. "I've decided, that I could use my old title, here it is!" He said, before turning his board around.
'Hashira.' "A hashira? A pillar? Why's that?" Midnight asks. "Well, you see, back then I came from an organization where people are ranked by strength. And I happen to be on the highest, the Insect pillar." Shinobu reasons out, leaving the fact that the organization was a bunch of delusional demon slayers.

Y/N smiles at her fond memories, while Akaza simply stares. Akaza goes up and simply shows his board without any explanation at all. "Soyama?" Midoriya asks, blinking in confusion. "Don't judge my name when you be naming yourself Deku." Akaza snaps back. Y/N chuckles as Akaza sits down with a grumble.


Internships...Well, Y/N and Akaza have quite alot of people in their favour, but one thing caught Y/N's attention. "Huh? Look, Shoto-kun, your trash excuse of a father wants me to go to his probably-dumb agency!" Y/N says, waving her paper in Shoto's face. Shoto simply stares before grabbing her hand and reading her list.

"Will you go?" Shoto asks, tilting his head. That kinda..did something.. Y/N thought as her cheeks turn red. "Are you okay?" Shoto asks, Sweating a little bit.
"YUP! anyways, I might, I can't really choose anyone else since they're all trash." Y/N bluntly states.

"Y-you got an intern from Hawks, and you're calling him trash...?" Sero stutters. "I have no interest in birds!" Y/N replies, raising her finger up. Tokoyami visibly slumps, whole Mina pats his back. "What about you, Akaza-dono?" Y/N moves her face to Akaza's paper, completely unsurprised by the amount of names.

"I'm going with whoever sounds good I suppose." He said, before tucking the paper in his pockets and reaching his hand for Y/N to take. "Lunch?" Akaza asks, tilting his head a little. Shinobu stands up, and smiles at everyone who looked at him, walking beside the demons.


THE INTERNSHIPS came quickly, and Y/N was loudly sobbing on Akaza's shoulder after finding out they were going to diffrent agencies. "WAAAAHHHH AKAZA-DONO DONT LEAVE MEEEEE!!!!!!" Y/N screams as Aizawa groans. Y/N was tightly holding into Akaza's uniform, while Aizawa was trying to pry her off. "Uhm, the train is leaving.." Shoto says, scratching his hair.

Y/N sniffles away her fake tears as she gives Akaza a thumbs up. "Don't go following Muzan-sama in the afterlife!" She says, Akaza irks, punching the back of her head before turning away and leaving. Shoto and Y/N run to the train with Shinobu waving at them. Shinobu arrived quite late, so he didn't have any internships to go to, so instead he would be training with Aizawa.
(Btw your hero suit is just Douma's clothes when he fought Kanao and inosuke)

"Woohoo! Villain subdued, city saved!" Y/N cheers as she brutally steps on a villain that's been tied up by her Lotus Vines. Todoroki sweatdrops. "I didn't even have to do anything..." He whispers before looking at Endevour who was talking to the officials.

"..what's the point of you being here if you've already learned what there is to learn." Endevour asks, irking at Y/N. Y/N stares back at him, this time, actually thinking hard. "Teach me what it means to be a hero." Y/N asks. Endevour raises an eyebrow, "you're already an hero, no? Saving lives like this. But..If you're only saving lives because you're obligated to, then you might as well just get out and stop attending UA."

Y/N curiously stares at the beat up villain. "Saving lives because I'm obligated to?" She whispers to herself. Shoto stares at his father, and her before walking to her, and chatting.

Endevour smirks at this, before leaving. "Come back to the agency once you're done." He says, taking off in the sky.

The past few days in his agency were alright. Y/N and Shouts would usually go out for dinners since they didn't want to eat cafeteria food. But, Y/N was already strong enough for Endevour's mental capacity, so he divided to leave her in trainings. Y/N was learning to use her demon art in a more sensible way, trying to use her ice the same way Todoroki does.

Although hers is much more powerful, it would help alot that she didn't need to use her skills to generate ice. Though of course, she had already mastered it before three hours could even pass.

"Get up, we're going somewhere." Endevour says, carrying Y/N by her collar, much like how a mother cat would. They went to the train station, with Y/N making comments about how there's so many people crowding them occasionally.
"Shibuya, shibuya~" Y/N sings, swinging her and Shoto's hand back and fourth. (Yes, they're holding hands.)

The night was young, and the stars were barely even visible from the city lights. Y/N and Shouto were getting some Takoyaki while Endevour patrolled for a bit. "Uhm, can I get three pieces- whoa!" Y/N cuts off as an Nomu suddenly breaks the cielling and takes the cashier away.

The man screams as he goes further into the sky. "A." Y/N says before handing Todoroki her wallet and jumping high. "Air PvP isn't really something I'm good at.." Y/N said before taking out her fans and blasting off a few shards of ice, sucesfully hitting the Nomu's wings, legs and the claws that were gripping the man.

The guy falls to the ground, Y/N catches him and safely lands to the ground. "Ah, please get away-" She says, before being smashed to a wall by an Nomu, it looked much more intimidating, and alot bigger.

Blood drips down Y/N's head as she stands up with a frantic look on her face. "How interesting..." She smiles, Her phone suddenly chimes, it was Midoriya.

(Lord help me)

𝐴𝑅𝑅𝑂𝐺𝐴𝑁𝑇 𝐵𝐼𝑇𝐶𝐻 . BNHA X Douma!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now