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HER FACE IMMEDIATELY healed itself. Y/N smiles at Todoroki, "Find that burning old man and tell him, to send heroes in Izuku's location." Y/N orders, Todoroki glances between her and the Nomu. Surely she can handle herself? He asks himself, before nodding and leaving.

Y/N stands up, dusting the dirt off her hero suit. She takes out her pair of fans, craning her neck to the side, sighing in pleasure as she hears an satisfying crack. She giggled before launching herself forward, slashing the Nomu's right arm.

Nomu tries to grab Y/N by her torso, but stops once it finds it's hand chopped off as well. Nomu regenerates his right arm, before slamming Y/N to the ground.

It tilts it's face in confusion, expecting to find the girl groaning in pain in the ground, but only to be met with a very powerful kick to the face, that sucesfully detached it's head from its neck.

But, much to Y/N's dismay, the head grows back fast, but not as fast as her.

"How am I supposed to kill an abomination such as yourself?" Y/N asks the filthy beast, as if it would give her the answer she wanted to hear. She taps her fans together, before unraveling them. She slashes forward, using the same skill she used to give Shinobu the huge scar across his chest, but this time, she made sure that the whole torso was cut off.

She quickly stomps on the creatures brain, repeatedly beating it to mush. Nomu screeches in defeat, before turning silent. Y/N steps on the remains of the brain, before taking her phone out and texting someone.



No, and stop typing in caps, it makes you look like you're screaming at me,


Of course, after this faithful conversation with Akaza, she runs to Midoriya's location, only to find them tying the famous Hero killer up. Y/N scratches her cheek. "I came all this way and you've already gone and defeated the enemy.." She sulks.

"Eh? Y/N-san! I'm sorry, we we're just-" Izuku stumbles over his words. Gran Torino arrives furiously screaming at Izuku. "What..What the hell are you doing here!?" "Gran Torino!" "I told you to sit down, didn't I!?" He said, suddenly kicking Izuku on the face. "Well, I don't know what happened, but...for the time being I'm glad you're alright." Gran Torino speaks to himself.

Suddenly an lady hero arrives with a bunch of other extras. We recieved a command from Mr, endeavour to provide assistance, but.." "kids!?" "They've got awful wounds!" "Hey, is that the hero killer!?"

After a bit of talking, Iida apologizes to the two boys, before turning to Y/N who was ackwardly scrolling through her chats with Aizawa, an small habit she does whenever she has nothing to do.

"Y/N-san...I'm also sorry for making you rush here for no reason.." Iida said, bowing before Y/N. "Izuku sent me the text so he should be the one to apologize!" Y/N says, patting Iida's back and directly looking at Izuku. The boy looks away, sweating profusely.

Something tingles inside Y/N. She grabs Iida's head, and almost brings it down to the floor. Just in time, "DUCK!" Gran Torino shouts Y/N reaches for Izuku, but he was already taken. "Huh." Was all that came out of Y/N's mouth.

"WAIT HUH? IZUKU!" she suddenly screams, about to jump to save him, when an red blur goes past her. "The phonies have overrun society, and the criminals who so aimlessly sprinkle around their power, those are the targets of my purge. All of this is for the sake, of a just world!" Stain said, his drool spilling all over Izuku who visibly grimaces.

Endevour then arrives, as Stains mask starts to slip off. "Wait, Todoroki!" Gran Torino says extending his hand.


After the whole thing, with stain saving Izuku and stuff, Y/N and the rest sat in an hospital bed. Y/N broke her own arm and insisted she be sent to the same room as The three boys. Y/N scrolled through her phone, occasionally liking a few cat videos here and there.

"Uhm, Y/N-san, why exactly are you here? You could've just healed yourself.."
Izuku curiously asks. "I broke my arm." She stated, as if she was asking them to respectfully shut up. Izuku did as ordered, and stayed silent.

Y/N, leaned her head in the pillow, looking at the blue sky in the window. She stands up. "I'm going to leave for a little." She says, before walking out of the room.

She walks in the halls before stopping on an open Hospital room. There, she could see a girl. Her left hand was holding an Pallet, and IV was attached to it. The colors were all diffrent shades of blue, green, and purple. The canvas infront of her captured the whole scene very nicely.

The girl, looks behind her, locking eyes with Y/N. She adjusted her glasses, waving at Y/N, her white hair bouncing along her movements. "Hello, do you need something?" Y/N walks to her room, as if she owned the place.

"Uh-..well.. my name is Yuri..." The girl introduces herself, looking at Y/N who scans her canvas. "Did you draw this? It looks amazing!" Y/N chirps, clapping her hands together in delight. "Yes...I drew that..?" Yuri says, smiling nervously at the demon.

"Hey, why are you here?" Y/N asks. Yuri scratches the back of her head. "I tried commiting after my parents pressured me to do better in academics. I was an gifted child back then, but now that I'm having an hard time trying to understand things, I don't know how to study, and...well...I failed them I suppose." Yuri explains, looking at her canvas with emotions Y/N couldn't read.

"Humans..Truly are interesting aren't they?" Y/N says, sitting on the bed, chuckling. "You're not..human?" Yuri asks, Yuri was very curious about Y/N's genetics. More so on the Kanji in her eyes. "That Kanji in your eyes, is that real or just tattooed?" Yuri says getting closer to Y/N and stretching out her eyelid so she can see clearly.

"Oh, it's engraved painfully by our Lord!" Y/N says, not minding the fact that the other girl was feeling her up.

"Painfully engraved by your lord? How do you engrave something in your eyes? A quirk perhaps?" Yuri mutters to herself. "Speaking of Quirks, what's yours?" Y/N asks innocently, an permanent smile resting on her face. Yuri blinks for a moment, before sitting beside Y/N.

"My quirk is perfect picture. I can make what I draw a reality. For example," Yuri takes out her sketchbook and draws a box of milk. She places her hand in the page, pulling out the Milkbox. She then offers it to Y/N who gladly accepts it.

"Whoa! That's really cool!" Y/N awes, clapping her hands. "Somehow I can tell you're not being sincere.." Yuri grumbles, before sitting beside Y/N. "Hey, why do you always smile all the time? And those aren't even real smiles, they're so tight and forced." Yuri looks at Y/N expecting an answer.

"Smiling is just natural to me, I can't feel anything after all."

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