The Prince and His Butler (pt. 3)

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San particularly ran out of the prince's room to look for him, from one room to another, asking every servant he sees in his way and checking every corner in the palace to no avail.

He was staring to panic.

Regretting everything he said the night before.

It might have been why the prince has escaped.

But where would he go?!

He couldn't do anything on his own.

San ran downstairs to the main hall where the king sits, barging in without permission. "Your majesty! I think the prince has...your highness?" He paused when he saw Wooyoung standing there in front of his father's throne, still in his nightwear and looking very tired.

Wooyoung turned around to take a look at San.

Just a quick glance, because if he looked any longer, he knew he would break down into tears on the spot.

San rested his hands on his knees with a heavy sigh, taking his time to catch his breath.

"San...are you okay?" The king raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, your majesty, I'm sorry...I just thought..."

"San." Wooyoung started, keeping his back to the other, his tone cold. "Would you mind giving me and the king some privacy? I need to talk to him."

San's eyes widened a little, almost not believing his ears. What would he talk about that San can't know?

"Yes..of course, your highness, I'm sorry." He bowed deeply anyway and quickly walked out.

His blood boiling at the situation he was put in, and the fact that Wooyoung left his room so early without even telling him.


"Father...I'm sorry for coming in so early and in this state...but I really need to talk to you."

"Is everything alright son? You even asked San to leave, and that never happens."

"I had to...because I want to talk about him?"

"About him? Did he do something wrong? Do we need to replace him?"

"No! Absolutely not...he's doing's just..."

The king sighed, running out of his patience. "Can you just speak directly Wooyoung? Don't make me worry about you."

"It's about and...San..." Wooyoung gulped. "I...I like him...I've developed feelings for him long ago." He kept his gaze down to be able to speak freely without seeing his father's reaction. "San is the only reason I'd ever want to be a king, he makes me realize that I can do it, that as long as he's by my side, I can rule the kingdom...he makes me feel safe, protected...he's the only person I can ever trust and truly talk to..." he glanced up then quickly down again. "San feels the same about me...he likes me..."

There was a quiet moment before the king asked.
"Did he tell you that?"

"No! I mean...I pushed him into telling me because he refused to say anything as long as he's my butler, he's really professional, you know how he is...but I pushed him to speak up...when we weren't in the royal wing."


"I want you to know that San has done nothing wrong, he has not gone out of his work character, he did not manipulate me, he never showed me how he felt and he never let me even take a step please...don't kick him out, and don't be mad at him."

"Kick him out? This is your main concern after all what you've said? Do you even realize what you're saying? You're in a relationship with your butler."

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