Chapter 7

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I went to Aimie a while later, it was about 2 in the morning and my nerves were playing up. Millie looked way too peaceful and I didn't want to risk waking her up and giving her a bad sleep when she was already missing 4 hours. I scampered up to my room shaking from anxiety, not entirely sure why but there was pterodactyls swarming my stomach and my chest was beginning to feel tight and I couldn't breathe and I already knew it would wake up Millie if I stayed. I made my way to my room then noticed some light coming from Aimie's room, I knocked on the door, slightly pushing it open so she could see it was me; she was sat up against the wall on her phone, "Hey Aims..." She looked over to me, frowning before smiling to me and saying, "Hey girlie, what's up, why are you still awake?" I stood there unsure of what to say,
 "I don't know... can I come sit with you please?"
"Sure, come on." she said, patting the bed next to her. I went to sit next to her, pulling my knees up to my chest and leaning against her side, we don't talk about that fact that I'm severely underweight due to not eating but I was hoping she wouldn't notice. To my surprise she noticed something other than that. "Are you alright?" Aimie asked, looking at me.
"Yeah, why?" Shoot, no. I just answered that way too fast so now it's gonna be obvious I was lying. She raised her eyebrows, I looked away. "Stella, you're shaking like mad, plus I'm an actress I can tell you just lied to my face."
"I'm sorry"
"What for?"
"Being so... me"
"Honey, you're having an anxiety attack, come here," I was gently pulled into her, relaxing slightly but still unable to breathe. I couldn't breathe. Shit. I can't breathe. I jolted up, unknowingly hyperventilating, my breathing quickened and my heart was racing. "Aimie help", 
"Stella open your mouth and breathe in." I tried, multiple times, my breathing slowed a little but I was still struggling and my chest was really really bad, flashbacks from my uncle. Now we're back to square one with some additional tears of fear and panic. "Hey, hey hey hey, Stella, baby, you're alright, you're safe, Aimie's here." She told me, pulling me into a hug as I buried my face into her chest. "Shhh, Aimie's here, Aimie's here, it's just you and Aimie." She continued to soothe me through the tears, stroking my head and holding me close. Not entirely sure why this worked but I could breathe alot better and my chest felt much better too, the tears kept coming and now I was just in a state of pure fear. "I'm sorry" I told her once again, 
"Sweetheart, why? You have no reason to be sorry this stuff happens."
"I know, but, I'm sorry." This was all my fault. I should never have run that far Aimie's life would probably be way better. "Stells?"
"Yeah." I mumbled, it sounded muffled and wobbly,
"Can I ask you something serious?" I knew this would happen. She's gonna send me back now, isn't she?
"You don't have to answer this and it's probably the worst time for me to ask, but... what went on with your aunt and uncle?"
"Oh... that fine, um... they hit me alot, chained me up and shouted at me if I did something wrong in the slightest. Just... bad... unholy stuff." I said, resting myself on her. My body almost ached.
"Shit... it's my turn to be sorry." She hugged me close
"Aims don't worry," I told her, "but let's not tell anyone else... please?", it was almost a question. I started to cry again.
"Okay, baby, that's okay, you're okay." I lay on her for a couple of minutes before she said that we should probably go to sleep. "Can I stay with you please?" I asked her, genuinely scared to go back to my own room because of my anxiety being so bad at the moment. "Of course you can, come on, lie down." I lay down, her next to me, I was still shaking a little bit; Aimie held me so that I knew she was there with me. I flinched at the thought of my uncle, my breathing quickening for a split second as the panic tried to set in, failing since Aimie got there first. "Shh, go to sleep baby, you're safe, Aimie's here." I fell asleep curled up in her chest, throughout the night I was in pain, thinking about my past too much. At some points I woke up because of nightmares though it wasn't too bad because I was with someone safe, it sounds weird but once you know their smell it becomes comforting, like, really comforting. I got through the night, my anxiety was still terrible but having someone holding me to make sure I was okay was better, I'd gone through Maiya, Millie and then to Aimie all in one. Kind of rude, they probably hated me for that. 

I woke up the next morning, well, it was only just the morning, around 11am. Aimie was sat by me on the side of the bed, rubbing my cheek with her thumb. "Morning gorgeous." I looked up at her, I felt bad, she'd spent all night making sure that I was okay that she didn't really check up on herself. I shouldn't of ever gone into her room and disturbed her. When she worries her mental health gets really bad and now it was my fault and she might hurt. "Aims... did you actually get any sleep last night?" I asked her a little worried, 
"Stells I got plenty, stop worrying about me, now are you okay?"
"Uhm, I'm better. I still feel a bit anxious and... um... my body still aches a bit."
"Oh sweetheart, you're such a little fighter."
"What do you mean?"
"I could never get through something as bad as what you've gone through."
"You helped me through all of it, you were the one that held me while I slept." She kissed my cheek and tucked some of my hair behind my ear, then smiled at me before making me giggle at a comment: "Although I do think I should probably get some sleep before Nat tells me off for being on my phone all night!"
"They dont know what happened?" 
"Nope, JayeJ told everyone she put you to bed and Millie was too cute to wake up, only because she correctly guessed what had happened." 
"Oh okay, that's fine," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bed, "Now, Atkinson, get some rest, you need it!"
"Oh... bloody hell I wasn't ready for that! Alright but tell Nat that I'm sick if she tries coming in." Luckily Nat never came in. I stayed with her (on the floor leaning against her massive double bed) because sleepy Aimie is cute and also so that nobody could wake her up whilst she was getting some greatly needed snoozy time. Mills messaged and asked if I was okay because she hadn't seen me or Aims all day, I told her we were talking all night and now Aimie was tired as anything. For quite a while I was sat on the floor watching try not to laugh videos.

A little while later my leg started shaking so, naturally out of instinct, I held someone's hand... Aimie's hand, she might of been asleep but I refuse to leave her side and let someone ruin her rest. Later on, I decided to write note saying 'DO NOT ENTER OR ELSE STELLA WILL HUNT YOU DOWN' to go get a tea and a glass of water for her when she woke up. It had been about 3 hours so I woke her up to have some sort of solid snack anyway since she hadn't had any all day as far as I was aware. "Aims, babe, wake up, you need to eat something, and drink."
"Oh, sweetheart, thank you."
"It's alright, consider it my repayment." I let her be while she ate and decided to check up on the others (by others I mean Millie and Maiya). We talked a bit about how excited the queendom were, then I made the very independent decision to go back to check on Aims, "Hi" I said cheerfully,
"Hey hun, you alright?"
"I was about to ask the same thing."
"Oh, yeah, actually, I'm great, what's the time?"
"Ummmm.... 4pm" Later than both of us though, I'd said it with shock and so had she. We both decided to go for a walk to the Arts Theatre, arriving back a good 3 hours later.  'We'd been out all day' was our excuse for not being seen. It was actually hilarious, Aimie had been asleep all day and still had the nerve to say that, I just burst out laughing in Grace's face when she said it to her. 

Everyone decided to have a movie night, it was a marvel marathon type of day therefore we went through Hawkeye, Spiderman, She-Hulk and an extra pitch perfect 1-3 on Vicki's request. We all sang along and joked on making our own acapella group before trying it out. Me and Lexi couldn't stop laughing. "OMG HAhahH WHY CAN'T THEY HARMONISE AHHAHAHHHH" had me rolling around on the floor, Lex clearly didn't realise that the camera was facing her and that everyone on the live could only see us two laughing our asses off. Me, Aimie, Millie, Nat and Maiya decided to head off to bed a bit earlier. I said night to everyone then brushed my teeth and climbed into bed, feeling really good if you know what I mean. No anxiety, no stress, just... happiness. 

A/N: Leaving it on a good note hahah. Stella's a player omg!! Some sad/distressing vent bits for you because life SUCKS but it's alright when Aimie exists. Hopefully when school starts again I can carry on writing fairly often!! I can't this chapter was so bad someone help meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! As alwayss please correct any mistakes and stuff, maybe check out my other very bad book, I LOVE YA TOMORROW <3333333

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