Who Will You Stand By? (Saruman)

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June 29, 2015: Hey, guys. This is another "mini" imagine for you to read while I'm working on a longer one. This one is dedicated to Christopher Lee (Saruman), who passed away. Also, this obviously didn't happen in the book or movie, but I wanted to write about it anyway.

Saruman's mind is near corruption.

(Saruman's Thoughts)

The line between evil and good is thin. One may call you evil, while another may call you simply misguided.

Evil, what is it truly? Is it the love of power? Or is the love of controlling and manipulating those until death?

To control a person with power is to completely brainwash them in your lies. You can destroy someone, or you can make them flourish.

What does evil have that good does not?

Evil possesses an army and power.

Good possesses a hobbit, along with those who are good at heart.

The final decision is up to anyone, up to me; will you laugh in the presence of evil or will you stand beside it?

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