Bloodline (Fili)

737 39 21

June 25, 2016: Thanks for the request, Rosaline_Goedhart. Sorry for the wait!

You (Reese) are part of Thorin & Co. and have an interesting family member in your bloodline.

Gandalf chuckled. "Finally, Reese! You're on your way to becoming a proper wizard!"

Reese smiled back, "It only took 26 tries."

Despite how many tries it took Reese, she was thrilled that she was able to perform an incantation to stun all enemies within fighting distance.

"Well, you know that it takes-"

"Hard work and practice to become a wizard," Reese finished the sentence for Gandalf.

Fili stood up, slightly groggy from being temporarily stunned. "It's good that you can stun enemies now, but I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't use me as a test subject anymore."

Reese kissed Fili's cheek, "I guess I'll find someone else to practice magic on."

"Thank you!" he exclaimed.

The group of three headed back to the campsite.

"Don't you think stunning enemies will be useful once we're in battle?" Reese asked.

Fili nodded, "It sure will, Reese. However, I'm kind of interested by the fact you want to become a wizard."

Reese gave him a confused look. "Who wouldn't want to become a wizard?"

"No, I mean, you are an excellent fighter. You would be feared on the battle field even if you weren't a wizard. You're absolutely ferocious! It's almost as if you fight with no mercy," Fili said.

She paled, but Fili just patted her back. "It's okay. Unfortunately, we've all had to kill on this journey."

"I guess," Reese replied.

"Now," Fili scooted closer to her. "Why did you want to become a wizard?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

He puffed out his chest. "I am your boyfriend. I have a right to know these kind of things!"

"Sure you do," she laughed and stuck out her tongue at him.

Fili feigned an angry expression. "You know, that's really rude, Reese. I may just have to-"

Before he finished his sentence, Fili started tickling Reese.

Reese giggled until she breathed out, "Okay, okay!"

They both grinned at each other, and even though Reese was smiling, she was hoping that her secret would remain secret for a little while longer.


Reese's heart was pounding as the group ran away from a pack of orcs.

Gandalf motioned for them to run. "Head that way!"

Heading in the direction they were told to, they approached the entrance of a cavern and found what appeared to be a rock that could be slid down.

The dwarves and Bilbo slid down the steep incline one by one. When it was Reese's turn, she practically jumped down through the entrance. As she slid down, rocks were digging into her skin, drawing blood or leaving marks. That was, however, the last of her concerns. At that moment, she didn't want to have her head severed by one of the orcs.

At the end of the incline, she rolled onto the rough ground. Grunting, she moved out of the way so the next person could come down.

After dusting herself off, she went to stand next to Fili.

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