Halls of My Ancestors (Thorin)

533 35 17

July 28, 2016: This is for originalsWIFE. Thanks for the request!

I've also been tagged by  Ima_Smirkwoodian to answer some questions, so I'll try to answer those briefly before I get into the imagine. Thanks for tagging me!

1. Q: When did you realize that you loved to write?

A: As a kid, I loved to read, so I thought it would be really cool to create my own stories. I, however, had a lot of difficulty writing when I was younger, but I kept at it in my spare time. Eventually, a love of writing started to blossom.

2. Q: What was the first story you wrote here on Wattpad?

A: Consumed by My Thoughts was my first book. It's not really a "book," but it's filled with poetry.

3. Q: What is your favorite genre to write?

A: Personally, I love to write fantasy. Anything can happen when you write fantasy...you're not subject to the rules or normal occurrences of the real world. Plus, it's a great way to escape from reality for a little while.

4. Q: Who is the person that you love to rant to about your books?

A: Other than Wattpad users, I don't really talk to anyone about The Hobbit Imagines. Although, when I do, I usually talk about it with my dad (since he's the one that got me into Tolkien).

5. Q: What is your typical chapter length when updating your stories?

A: A full-length imagine is usually around 1,000 words long (although, the Haldir imagine was around 2,000); mini imagines are around 400.

6. Q: What story are you the most proud of?

A: I'm probably the most proud of The Hobbit Imagines; however, it's most likely based on the fact that I'm not the best at writing full-length stories (for dedication and plot reasons).

7. Q: Have you ever written a collaboration story with someone?

A: I haven't, but a lot of my imagines are based on requests from someone else.

8. Q: If you've ever collaborated on a story with someone, what is it? Is it on Wattpad?

A: Again, I haven't written a collaborative story with anyone...yet. ;)

9. Q: Favorite Wattpadder?

A: I don't have a favorite; I love Wattpadders in general. The Wattpad community is one of the nicest internet communities I've ever been a part of.

10. Q: Favorite story?

A: There are too many awesome stories on Wattpad. I can't choose!

11. Q: Where is your favorite place to write?

A: Hmmm...probably at my desk.

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