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I've grown accustomed to the life I live

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I've grown accustomed to the life I live. Most people would think it's a curse doing what I do everyday, seeing the amount of loss I do on a day to day basis and while the losses hit hard, it makes the wins so much better.

For my entire life I've wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to help people. Whenever anyone asked what I wanted to do when I grew up I knew the answer. I didn't dream of a fairytale like most kids my age because I was brought up in the real world.

One thing about the real world is nobody is perfect. I had to get the money for med school somehow so I got involved in some bad things. After going down that dark road, I managed to find a balance. I worked hard to get my qualifications, I started working as a doctor for the Italian mafia leader Blaine Sousa. While Blaine definitely isn't the best person, he's more morally grey than a villain.

The people of the Italian Mafia are like family.

Most doctors wouldn't go anywhere near the dangerous situations I put myself in but I do it for those who I think deserve it. The ones who don't deserve it on the other hand....let's just say they're taken care of in a different way.

I'm used to the crazy shit I call my life but some things you just don't see coming.....getting pregnant by a literal psycho being one of them.

I'd normally stay and fight, that's what I've done my entire life but that doesn't feel like the right option this time. It's not just me I need to protect anymore.

It was just a one night stand, we were both drunk out of our minds, neither of us were thinging straight.

I made a stupid decision, followed by an arguably worse one.

I tracked him down and I told him I was pregnant. I figured as the father he had a right to know.

As soon as I said it, he immediately told me I was to get an abortion. I didn't know what decision to make but when the words left his mouth everything became real and in that moment I realised that I wanted to keep this baby, my baby. He called in a doctor, one that didn't look like he had the faintest clue of what was going on.

I told him that I wanted to keep our child to which he responded badly. He called me every bad name under the sun, he threatened to kill me along with the baby. He told me every way in which he would make me suffer. Not a lot fazes me anymore but what he said was beyond cruel.

He was physically going to force me into getting an abortion and I knew I couldn't fight off a full army then and there so I played the only card I had left.

I brought his pride into it.

I told him that he'd be outcast when word got out about the rejected heir to his empire. After that he quickly changed his tone. He planned on training our child to be just like him, there was no way in hell I was letting that happen but I played along. I know what type of training people like him go through and I wasn't having my child involved with any of that.

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