Thumbs Up for Destiel

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Dean x Castiel

Charlie x Reader

*Female Reader because umm...Charlie*


"Hey, beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?"

You look up to see a man with dirty blonde, gelled up hair leaning against the bar next to you, a charismatic smile on his face.

"Um," you manage.

"What's your name, beautiful?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

You let out a short, barking laugh. "I'm (Y/N). And who might you be?"

"I'm Dean," he says, his eyes conveying that he obviously thought he was making progress. You decide to let him down gently.

"Thanks for the compliment, Dean, but you're not really my type," you say.

"And what's your type?" he asks, still flirting.

Oh, god, was he going to make you say it out loud?

"Well, I'm more into spelunking than mountain-climbing," you say.

You can barely resist laughing at the obvious utter confusion in his face. It's then that you notice him, sitting at a table in the corner in the bar.

"And based on the fact that your boyfriend in the trench coat is sitting right over there, I'd say you're a mountain climbing guy, anyways."

Dean looks behind him at the table he had just left. His jaw drops.

"Cas? He's not my-"

"His possessive death glare says otherwise."

You watch with amusement as two things dawn on Dean's face at the exact same time. One: Cas's sexuality. Two: his own sexuality.

He turns back to you, a cautious smile spreading across his face. "I like you, (Y/N)."

You roll your eyes. "Do I have to spell it out for you? I-"

"Don't bat for my team," Dean interjects. "I know. But you're pretty cool. Maybe..." He trails off. Then, he grins and turns away, about to make his way back to his table. You stop him. "Dean!" He turns around again. You scribble your name and number on a napkin and hand it to him. "Sell this and buy yourself some new moves."

He gives you an eye roll before rejoining his trench coat-wearing friend. You watch as Dean sits down, looking slightly awkward next to - Cas was it? He looks even more awkward when Cas suddenly pounces on him, locking his lips in a passionate kiss. Dean's eyes widen and he looks past Cas's head at you. You flash him a thumbs up and he grins against Cas's lips, relaxing into the kiss.

And you? You finish off your beer. Alone.

You're halfway through your third one when you feel a tap on your shoulder. A redhead-a very hot one, mind you-is standing there when you turn around, a timid smile on her lips.

"I like your shirt," she says. You like down. You're wearing a TARDIS-blue T-shirt with the wibbly wobbly ten quote on it. "And your bracelet," she adds. Said bracelet is [red, blue, green, or yellow] with a [lion, eagle, snake, badger] on it. You're a [HP house]. "And your Yoda hat - boy you are just a walking hot topic advertisement, aren't you?"

You laugh. You do spend quite a lot of time in Hot Topic.

"I'm Charlie," the redhead introduces herself, extending a hand.

"(Y/N)," you reply, shaking it.

"Nice to meet you," she grins. "So...can I buy you a drink?"

Something catches your eye over her shoulder. You see Dean standing at the door with Cas, about to leave. He flashes you a thumbs-up, mimicking your action from before. You take the hint.

"Actually," you say. "I think I've had enough to drink for one night. You wanna come back to my place?"

Charlie hesitates. Too forward? "Come on," you say, covering for yourself. "I have all of the original Star Wars as well as the LOTR trilogy and Jim Henson's masterpiece-wait for it..." you grin. "The Labyrinth."

A smile creeps across her face.

"Sounds great."

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