It's Over

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Dean x reader

*Gender Neutral*



No, no, no, please.

This isn't happening.

This is not happening.

You're transfixed, eyes glued to the television.

The reporter is still talking, but you can't hear her. Everything is blocked out except for the sound of your heartbeat pounding against your eardrums. With shaky hands, you reach for your back pocket. You pull out your phone, and it takes a couple of tries before you finally punch in the number for the only person you can think of.




"(Y/N) what's up?"

"Dean." He hadn't seen the report. "Turn on the news."

"Are you okay?" Came the worried voice from the other end.

"Turn on the news."

"(Y/N), you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"Turn on the God damned news, Dean!" you say sharply.

You hear shuffling on the other end. Every muscle in your body is tense, every fiber ready to explode. The headline is running through your head, over and over. A beat. Two.

"I'll be right there," Dean says, a mixture of anger and worry and disbelief in his tone.

"He's coming for me, you know that, right?" Even you don't know where the words come from. "They don't think so, but I know that he's gonna find me and he's gonna come for me."

Dean is silent. "Stay calm, (Y/N)," He says after a moment. You consider laughing at him, but decide against it. "We are going to be right there. Find a gun. Get to a safe place." He hesitates. "Don't do anything stupid, okay?"

The line goes dead.

Dean's instructions don't register in your brain for a while. You just sit on the couch, staring at the TV. When one channel stops covering the story, you flip to the next. And the next.

Last night, authorities discovered that Jacob Smith, a man who was charged for attempting to murder (Y/N) (Y/L/N), his girlfriend at the time, has escaped federal prison...

Almost-murderer Jacob Smith is loose and roaming America...

Jacob Smith, attempted murderer...

Has escaped...

Escaped federal prison...

Jacob Smith...



You jump and turn around, swiping your gun from the coffee table. You expect to see Jacob, but it's Team Free Will. All three members had their hands out defensively, worry in their eyes.

Your shaky hands lower the gun. You're gasping for breath, your heart pounding from the scare. In a few quick strides, Dean crosses the room and gently takes the gun from your hands. He cups your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. Neither of you says a word, but suddenly you break and your legs give out. Dean wraps his arms around you and lowers you both to the ground. It feels like your stomach is being punched over and over and over again as your body convulses with violent sobs. It's not pretty; there's snot coming out of your nose and is it possible to die of violent hiccuping? But Dean doesn't seem to care. He tightens his grip on you and pushes your head into your shoulder. He kisses your head, rocking you and telling you that it's going to be okay but it's not, it's not going to be okay. He's coming for you and you're afraid that this time you won't be so lucky.

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