Thing For You

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Dedicated to requester (song request- Thing For You by Hinder)

*Gender Neutral*

Dean x Reader

1604 words


You roll over, blindly searching for the body heat of the other side of the bed. An arm wraps around your waist, and you snuggle deeper into the adjoining body. You smile as a pair of lips meet the top of your head. "Mornin', sunshine."

Sunshine? Since when does Toby call you sunshine?

You look up, brows knit in confusion, and meet a pair of eyes that are green and bright and distinctly not your boyfriend. Your jaw drops. "Dean?"

Shock hits the both of you at the exact same time, and you shout and scramble away from each other. Gracelessly, you overcompensate and throw yourself over the edge of the bed, landing with a hard thud, immediately realizing that you aren't wearing any clothes. You scramble into a standing position and snatch a blanket from the bed, rushing to wrap it around yourself. Dean is a little more fortunate, finding his own pair of boxers on the ground and hastily slipping them on.

You're completely in shock, running your fingers stressedly through your hair and finding it knotted and poofy. "Did we-"

"Well, yeah!" Dean cuts you off, his panicked expression mirroring yours.

"Were we-"

"Drunk off our asses? Kinda, yeah!"

You run your fingers through your hair again, not caring that they get caught in the knots. Panicked tears form a lump in your throat as you cling tightly to the sheet covering your body. "This is bad. This is really, really bad."

Dean stops midway through buttoning up his flannel shirt, looking at you with concern. He crosses the room, skirting around the bed and placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it'll be fine. Worse friendships have bounced back from sexual relationships." He shrugs unconvincingly. "We'll just... be Rachel and Joey."

You shoot back, "Yeah? And what about Toby?"

He drops his hand, turning away from you. "Right. The boyfriend. He sits on the edge of the bed.


Silence blankets the room as Dean ponders this. You drop your eyes to your lap, staring at a stray piece of fuzz on the blanket as if it has the solution to all your problems. But it doesn't. Your mistakes are your own.

"Look," Dean says finally, gently placing a hand on your bare shoulder. "I know the night was hazy, but if I pressured you at all-"

"No," you cut him off soberly. "I was perfectly aware of what was going on." Your free hand clenches, and you finish with gritted teeth. "I was just too drunk to care."

The hand on your shoulder moves to slow circles on your back, Dean's other hand gently separating your fingers and squeezing them gently. "So, now that it's morning, where do you want to go from here?" Dean asks softly.

You heave a deep breath, your stomach churning with dread as you realize what you have to do. "I have to tell him." You part your hand from Dean's to run your fingers through your hair again. "I just have to hope he trusts me that it was a mistake."

The hand on your back disappears abruptly. "Yeah."

You stand up, pinching the bridge of your nose. "God he's going to be so pissed."

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