The Eyeliner Incident

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Misha Collins x Reader (platonic)

Supernatural Cast x Reader (platonic)


1320 words


A dainty brunette with short hair and what seems like hundreds of bracelets covering her arms steps up to the microphone boldly. "Hi!" she says brightly.

"Hi," you Jensen, Jared, and Misha chorus.

"My question is for (Y/N)," she says training her curiosity-filled eyes on you.

You shift your weight to your other foot, stuffing your hands in your pockets and leaning your mouth towards your standing microphone. "Yeah, what's up?"

"So, you were kind of thrown into the whole world of being a regular cast member on Supernatural, and you seem to be pretty good friends with the guys, so I was just wondering what you would say really broke the ice between you guys." She steps back from the microphone, looking intently at you.

You nod. "Yeah, that's an interesting question," you tell her. "The short answer is that it wasn't all three at the same time. I was far too intimidated to talk to all three of them at once. In fact, the first time I talked to all three of them, they all tried to introduce me to the others." You glance at each of them when you say this, earning a good laugh from the crowd.

You rest your hand on the mic stand and tilt your head thoughtfully. "Let's see. I mostly bonded with Jensen over just running lines. Lame I know, but we have some great scenes."

"Plus she messes up a lot, which is hilarious," Jensen interjects.

You start to argue, but decide against it. "Yeah, pretty much. Okay, with Jared it was definitely the time he made a Princess Bride reference." You pause dramatically. "I fucking love The Princess Bride."

"Amen," Jared says next to you. You hold up a hand and he high fives it.

"Nerds," Jensen fake-coughs. A laugh ripples through the crowd.

You glare at him. "Fight me, Jensen!" You let the crowd finish laughing before you continue, "Annnnnyways, for Misha, it was probably my first day on set. I was super nervous because I was supposed to be an extra before they suddenly threw me into the role because the girl who got the role had to drop out and I was the alternate. And that was on top of the Eyeliner Incident, so it was not really a good day to start out."

"She cried like a little girl," Jensen throws in, fighting back giggles.

You glare at him and he shrugs. "There were tears involved, yes. I had never been on a set before. I was stressed, and nervous." You take a deep breath. "Anyhoo, Misha helped me out. You know, small things. Little encouragements, you know? And...yeah."

Misha gives you a small smile, and you can't help but grin back.

You grip the microphone, tilting the stand slightly, holding Misha's gaze. "If it weren't for Misha, I probably would have sprinted out of there with my tail between my legs, and I wouldn't be standing here."

To your surprise, the audience breaks out in applause. Tears prick your eyes as Misha steps over and pulls you into a giant bear hug. His arms are warm on your torso, a familiar comfort that warms your whole body. You somehow manage to not break out into intense sobbing, but you get pretty close. When you pull away from Misha, your throat is tight and your cheeks are bright red. You turn toward the brunet girl who asked the question. "Thanks for the sobfest," you tell her. A quiet laugh ripples through the crowd.

She smiles lightly and thank you. A blond girl with pink streaks in her hair steps up.

"Hi," Jared greets her.

"Hi. So I had a different question," She begins, "But on behalf of everyone else here, I better ask this one. What was the Eyeliner Incident?"

A few people in the crowd whoop and cheer. You groan and hide your face in your hands. Misha cracks up at you. "Oh god," you say quietly.

"I was actually wondering the same thing," Jared says.

You stare at him. "I've never told you this story?"

All three of your co-stars shake their heads "Shut up, Misha," you scold. "You were there."

He throws you an innocent grin, earning some laughs. You roll your eyes. "Okay, so...God I feel like I've been talking forever."

"You have," Jensen deadpans.

You throw him a glare. "Fight me, Jensen. Anyhow, it was my first day on set, before I met Misha, and my makeup artist had a bit of an...incident." You lower your voice dramatically for the last word.

You smile slightly at the crowd's reaction. "Her name is Amy, and she's wonderful and I lover her, but she's a-" you pause, searching for words. "She's...mildly clumsy.

"She was doing my eyeliner and her hand slipped and...yeah. I got stabbed in the eye. Traumatic experience. I should point out that it was liquid eyeliner. So Amy just sits and stares at me, and I'm just like 'eyewash?'" You gesture wildly, conveying the extreme confusion of the moment. "And she was like 'Oh my god. Your eye was completely black. Should I like...get the salt?'" The crowd roars with laughter. "She needs to get a job on, like, New Girl or something, do makeup for Zooey Deschanel because she really needs to get away from Supernatural for a while."

You laugh a little between phrases, acknowledging the ridiculousness of the entire situation. "This is great," Jensen wheezes, doubled over with laughter.

"Oh, it gets better," you tell him. "There weren't any eyewash stations or anything like that around, so she stole some guy's water bottle and poured that over my eye. I'm screaming like hell, completely blind, and the water makes it ten times worse. So I open my eyes and everything's blurry, so I'm like 'ah, shit, I washed my contact out.' So Amy has to fish it out of the drain of the sink we were in front of. Miraculously, it's not torn, but I don't have any contact solution. I'm still blind, and I kinda have a bunch of really important fight scenes, so that's a problem. So I ask this random guy outside the bathroom if he has any, and he says no, but gets it from someone else. So I take it and put my contact in and I come out of the bathroom and Amy's talking to the guy." You pause, taking a deep breath and putting a corny smile on your face. "And that, friends, is how I met Misha Collins."

The crowd cheers, and you rub your forehead, and embarrassed smile etched onto your face. Jensen and Jared are still laughing at you, and you shake your head at them good-naturedly.

You speak into the mic once the crowd dies down again. "I hope you people know that before I became an actress I was a huge fan of the show, and-"

"Not anymore?" Jared interrupts, a goofy grin stretching across his face.

"No," you deadpan. "I don't think I'll ever watch an episode the same way again. Anyhoo, I was a huge fan of the show, so I was absolutely mortified when I found out I had been talking to one of my literal idols and making a complete fool of myself, so I tried to be conversational. So I asked him where he got the solution from and who the fuck do you think he points to? Jensen freaking Ackles, who decides to come over and join the conversation. I think I almost fainted."

Everyone breaks out into uproarious laughter. You throw your arms up in defeat. "And now everyone's laughing at me. I'm living the dream."

Misha places a hand on your shoulder. "Aw, (Y/N), we're not laughing at you, we're-" he stops, pauses, thinks. "No, we're definitely laughing at you."

The laughter crescendos. "Dear people who daydream about being a supernatural cast member," you say, and finish the sentence by gesturing grandly to your costars.


Hope you like it!

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