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Gabriel x Reader

*Gender Neutral*

Mini fic!!!


Gabriel is probably the most perfect boyfriend on the planet.

Not only is he smoking hot, a great kisser, the king of the bedroom, and loyal as a golden retriever, but he also shares your quirky strangeness. He's the kind of guy that will be able to drag out a joke for five minutes without any warning and without breaking character. He once pretended to be some kid's long lost uncle for two days because their parents had joked that the two must be related. And you are just the same, with an uncanny ability to detect when he needs your assistance for a comedic bit and just go with it. You two are literally best friends who kiss and have sex. You told him you loved him after three weeks and meant it. He's sassy, he's loving, he's funny, and he's 100% perfect.

But you do have limits to what you can handle in terms of strangeness. Not deal-breaking limits, of course, but definite turn-offs.

You recall one time last week. You were kissing him like your life depended on it, and he was kissing you like his dick depended on it. You could tell it wasn't going to be the most romantic of fucks, but god it was going to be one of the best. He tugged sharply on your hair, jerking your head back and parting your lips with a violent smack. Gabe started kissing down your neck and you let out a deep moan, the sound made throatier by the tilt of your head. You ran your hands down his chest and stop, remembering what was there.

"Gabe," you say. The angel doesn't reply. "Babe, come on." You're officially turned off. No need for a cold shower.

"Mmm?" He responds, still kissing your collarbone and shoulders with loud sucking noises.

"Gabe, stop," you tell him. "Please."

He pulls up sharply, staring into your eyes worriedly, his brow creased slightly. "What's wrong? If you're not up to it tonight I can just jerk-"

"It's not that," you cut him off, not wanting to hear the end of that sentence.

Gabe's lips move to your jaw, sweeter this time, testing you out, trying to find the right kiss for your mood. "What is it then?" He asks between kisses.

"It's just-ah-it's-AUGH," you growl in frustration at your conflicting emotions, jerking back from his body. You sigh and look at him, holding him by the shoulders while he stares back at you, confused.

"Gabe," you say firmly. "I can not take you seriously in that onesie.


Okay yeah it's short but I just posted and also if I tried to drag this out it wouldn't be half as funny. Besides, most imagine writers would consider this long. Call it a mini-fic

I had the idea for this four months ago before I actually started writing and was only reading this shit so I sent it in as a request to some other author and they never delivered and I just rediscovered this. I wrote it in like half an hour.

enjoy fuckers


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