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Cas x reader bc wing kink is the shit

No, this is not smut.

Update for those who want to refute this statement: Lots of making out. Wing kink. A shit ton of sexual tension. But they don't actally do the scoodlypoop

thank you

*Gender Neutral*


"So get this," Sam says suddenly. You roll your eyes. Every damn time...

"Guy in Oklahoma runs screaming down the street eureka-style, ranting and raving about an ear piercing ringing that shattered his windows. The next day, his wife goes missing." Dean and Sam exchange a look. They obviously have an idea what they are dealing with, but you don't. You're about to say something along the lines of what the hell is going on when Sam continues, "Supposedly, before she disappeared, she became super weird, going on about how she was chosen and even went as far as jumping off the roof of her two story house." Sam shares another look with Dean. "The best part? Not a scratch."

Dean rubs his face exhaustedly. You don't blame him. You've been scouring the news for a case for the past day and a half, and your brain is starting to hurt. "We're gonna need Cas for this."

"Who's Cas?" Now you're really confused.

"Friend of ours," Sam mumbled just as Dean started to talk loudly to the wall.

"Castiel, O mighty feathery one. You, uh, might want to stop by 'cause we got something that seems right up your alley. Please, uh, get down here." Okay, by now, you're inching towards the door, or maybe the phone so you can call someone to get Dean to a freaking psych ward. What the actual hell?

"Who is this, Dean?" Someone suddenly appears in front of you, just inches away from your body. You scream and jump back, searching for a gun, knife anything. You're scrambling backwards, and Dean is yelling at you to calm down, and Sam is trying to talk to whatever the hell it was that popped up magically in front of you but all of that is blocked out when you realize that he's glowing.

The light seems like it should be blinding you, but in reality it's entrancing you. You can't stop staring at it. It's beckoning you, pulling your mind towards it, and you get this strange feeling that it's meant for you, that you're special because it decided to call you. In the back of your mind you're wondering why you, but that thought becomes white noise when the most beautiful sound you've ever heard crosses your ears. It's sweet and melodic, and sounds vaguely like your name, but at the same time it's powerful, commanding. It puts a knot in your chest, like EDM with the bass on the highest setting. You see the face of something you can't identify, something strange and holy shit it's big. Giant black wings stretch out from his back, and they're so giant and beautiful that you just lose all words.

You blink, and suddenly the creature becomes a man. He has raven colored hair and deep blue eyes that are now boring into you, as if trying to figure you out. His head is tilted slightly to the side, and he stands with a warlike posture. He doesn't glow anymore, but you can see his wings, stretched out to the edges of the room. His hands hang loosely at his sides, but they're ready, poised. For a second, you wonder why he's so tense, and then you realize that your bodies are inches away and you're staring. You don't back down, however. You stare straight into his eyes and you whisper, "What are you?"

He looks surprised for a second, obviously taken aback that the question was what and not who.

"I'm Castiel," he says. "I'm an angel of the lord."

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