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Castiel x Reader

Hannah x Castiel

Winchesters x Sister!Reader

1215 words


You knew things were going to change as soon as you saw her.

"(Y/N)," Castiel said. "This is Hannah. She's an angel, like me."

Hannah was a bit on the short side with loose brunette curls framing her face beautifully. Her smile was bright, with pearly white teeth peeking out between baby pink lips. There was nothing but sincerity on her face as she shook your hand. You took note of her tense shoulders. She was holding her breath. She was nervous.

"Pleasure," You told her. And in that moment, you meant it.

You could tell that Hannah wanted nothing more than for your brothers and you to like her. She really didn't have to worry. She fit into your group dynamic perfectly. She laughed at Sam and Dean as they tried to hit on girls. She helped with research. She put immense amounts of effort into being your friend. She'd ask you to watch a movie with her, or teach her to cook, or train with her. Each request ended with some variation of the phrase, "Just us girls."

"(Y/N), would you like to go for a run with me, just the two of us?"

You tried to be friends with her, for Cas's sake if nothing else. You knew without having to test the theory that rejecting Hannah would cause Cas to look at you with those sad puppy dog eyes, and you'd be damned if that didn't jam an ice pick through your chest. And yet, no matter how many times you sat and explained a movie to her, or stopped her from adding too much salt, or playfully challenged her to a rematch after she knocked you flat on your back, you just couldn't bring yourself to enjoy her company.

Maybe it was the way she tried so hard to fit in. Maybe it was the fact that she was an angel and part of you still didn't trust her. And maybe you were just kidding yourself and it was the way she always sat just a little too close to Castiel and looked at him with those revering doe eyes. You knew she wasn't a slut or anything. She was merely in love with him. Just like you.

Sam and Dean knew. You would like to think that it was because you told them everything, but really it was because they had found you crying to yourself one night. Of course, you had locked yourself in your bedroom with the sole purpose of avoiding them, but with big brothers, nothing was sacred.

After your blubbering confession, Dean, sitting on the bed next to you, pulled you into a warm hug. You leaned your head against his shoulder. Sam rubbed your back. Neither one tried to tell you it was going to be alright because they didn't know that. They just let you cry yourself out, Dean murmuring over and over, "I know, buddy. I know."

"I thought love wasn't supposed to hurt," you whispered.

Sam and Dean shared a glance, but they didn't have anything to say to that.

And then, one day, you noticed Cas looking at you strangely. Your breath caught in your throat, and you stared at him, wondering why he was staring at you. You held his gaze for a moment before he glanced away, halfheartedly laughing at Hannah's story. A thoughtful expression remained on his face for the rest of the evening.

Later that night, you look up from a novel at a knock on the door. You aren't really paying attention to it anyways, your mind plagued with thoughts of Castiel. "Come in," You call, expecting Dean or Sam or even Hannah, but definitely not expecting Castiel.

As soon as he pokes his head through the door, you feel a hot blush rise to your cheeks. "Hey, Cas," you manage. "What's up?" You close your book and set it aside, sitting up straight and running a hand through your hair.

Cas sits on the edge of the bed, regarding you with a tilt of his head. He is still a good few feet away, but the proximity still makes you suck in a sharp breath. "I wanted to speak with you," Cas says.

You tuck your heels under your body. "Alright, shoot."

Cas fiddles with the end of his tie. "Have you ever been in love, (Y/N)?" He looks up at you, earnest curiosity in his bright, childlike blue eyes.

You swallow, shifting under his gaze. "I have, actually."

"What does it feel like?"

Oh, shit. You clear your throat and shift again, finally deciding to just stand up. You pace thoughtfully, your back to Cas. "It's hard to describe," you tell him. "Really, when you're in love, you just...know." You glance back at him to see that he is nodding, looking almost... disappointed. "But I guess," you continue. "Being in love is like feeling... complete. Like there was always this piece of you missing and suddenly, now that they're in your life, that piece isn't missing anymore. You feel whole. And it's the happiest feeling in the world."

A wide grin breaks out on his face. "That's exactly how I feel," He tells you, standing up. He's really close to you, still not quite understanding of the concept of personal space. Your heart races, your mind white with wonder. "Really?" you manage.

Cas nods. "What should I do?"

"I-uh..." You clear your throat. "I think you should tell her. Or him."

His gaze is steady, fixed on your face. "No, it's 'her'," he says quietly. Then he's leaning closer and your mind is a blur of a million thoughts and feelings because this is it. This is the moment you feel like you've been waiting for, your whole life. You let your eyes flutter shut and then...

His arms are around your shoulders, his head in the crook of your neck. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)."

You stand there numbly, your eyes wide as you hear him swish out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. If your mind was racing before, now it's as if all functions except those keeping you alive have ceased, leaving nothing but blank space. What the hell just...

Sam pokes his head through the door, whispering your name quietly.

You rock back on your heels. "Cas, he-"

Sam crosses the room in a few short strides, shushing you gently. "I saw. He and Hannah..." he bites his lip, not sure what exactly to say.

You nod numbly before falling forward limply. Sam catches you with his killer reflexes, scooping you up and placing you gently on the bed. He stays with you for a while, partnered by the occasional presence of Dean. Both are tense, expectant, poised to comfort you when the shit hits the fan and you break down. But you don't. Not a single tear squeaks from your eye. You just...lay there, staring up at the ceiling until you eventually dip into a light wholly ineffective sleep.

The next morning, you wake up late, but just in time to see Hannah give Castiel a peck on the lips in the library. You decide to go back to bed.

So maybe it seemed like everything changed, but really, nothing did at all. You were in love with Cas, just as you always had been, and there was still absolutely no chance that that love would ever be requited.


I am a despicable human being. Not every story has to have a happy ending, right?

Not sorry at all.

Please read the other short story I posted, #Parcella4Eva. It's not supernatural related but it's hilarious and you'll love it please read it.



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