Chapter 28: Poisoned Resolve

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The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the aftermath of the battle. Giyu Tomioka and Shinobu Kocho had just defeated the peculiar demon with its deadly Blood Demon Art, but victory was bittersweet. As the adrenaline of the fight subsided, Giyu felt a sharp, agonizing pain shoot through his spine.

He staggered, clutching his back, his face contorted in pain. "Shinobu," he managed to croak, his voice strained.

Shinobu rushed to his side, concern etched across her face. She quickly assessed his condition, her sharp eyes narrowing in realization. "It's poison," she said grimly. "That demon's rice grains were coated with a lethal toxin."

Giyu's breathing grew labored, and his vision began to blur. The poison was spreading rapidly through his body, and he was struggling to remain upright. He could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth as he coughed weakly.

Shinobu acted swiftly, her mind racing to find a solution. She knew they had no time to waste. "Giyu, we need to get the poison out of your system. Hold on," she urged, her voice unwavering.

With practiced precision, Shinobu drew a small, delicate blade from her waist. Gently but firmly, she sliced open the wound on Giyu's back, exposing the poisoned area. Giyu winced in pain, but he knew it was necessary.

Shinobu's blood demon art, the Insect Breathing, allowed her to control and manipulate tiny insects, and she summoned them to her aid. The insects swarmed over Giyu's exposed wound, extracting the poisoned blood with astonishing efficiency.

Giyu's breathing grew ragged as the process continued. He could feel the relentless pressure in his chest, and he coughed up more blood. The pain was excruciating, but he bit down on his lip, determined to endure it.

Minutes felt like hours as Shinobu worked diligently to remove the poison. She knew that the success of this impromptu treatment would be a matter of life or death. She couldn't afford any mistakes.

Finally, the insects retreated, carrying the tainted blood with them. Shinobu quickly applied a healing salve to Giyu's wound, using her butterfly-themed techniques to accelerate the recovery process. She kept a watchful eye on him, her expression tense.

Giyu lay on the ground, weak and trembling, but the poison had been removed. He took shallow breaths, struggling to regain his strength. The moon above continued its silent vigil, indifferent to the drama unfolding below.

Shinobu's face softened with relief as she saw Giyu's breathing stabilize. "You're going to be okay," she assured him, her voice gentle.

Giyu managed a weak nod, his gratitude evident in his tired eyes. "Thank you, Shinobu."

With Shinobu's help, Giyu slowly rose to his feet. His body was battered and bruised, and he was far from fully recovered, but his determination remained unbroken.

Their mission had taken an unexpected turn, but their resolve as demon slayers was unshaken. They turned and continued on their path, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the relentless battle against the demons that threatened humanity.

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