Chapter 31: The Demon of Deja Vu

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Giyu Tomioka and Shinobu Kocho ventured deeper into the enigmatic night, determined to unravel the mystery of the repeating harvest moon festival. The sense of deja vu was almost overwhelming, as if they were trapped in a never-ending loop of time.

As they delved further into the festival, they kept a watchful eye on the farmers, searching for any clues that could explain the peculiar phenomenon. The lanterns glowed, the fireflies danced, and the music filled the air, but there was an undercurrent of unease that lingered.

Suddenly, a chilling presence washed over them, sending shivers down their spines. Giyu and Shinobu instinctively drew their Nichirin Swords, their senses on high alert. They scanned the area, trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance.

Emerging from the shadows was a formidable demon, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. Giyu's heart sank as he recognized the demon's features. It was the same demon he had faced and defeated, the Lower Moon One, or so he thought.

The demon, however, exuded a power that far exceeded what Giyu remembered. His presence was overwhelming, and his strength seemed to have increased exponentially. It was as if he had been reborn, and the title of Lower Moon One no longer did him justice.

Shinobu whispered in disbelief, "Tomioka-san, that's the same demon you fought before, but he's different. He's much stronger."

Giyu nodded, his muscles tense as he prepared for a battle that promised to be unlike any other. "His Blood Demon Art... it must be the source of this deja vu."

The demon grinned, revealing sharp, jagged teeth. "You remember me, don't you, Tomioka Giyu? That's the power of my Blood Demon Art—Deja Vu. I can create time loops and sense the presence of demon slayers."

Giyu's mind raced as he tried to come up with a strategy. The demon's ability to manipulate time and predict their movements was a formidable advantage. It was as if he could anticipate their every move before they even made it.

Shinobu, her expression determined, whispered to Giyu, "We need to break free from his time loop and disrupt his senses. That's the only way to defeat him."

They launched a coordinated attack, their Nichirin Swords slashing through the air with precision. But the demon's Deja Vu Blood Demon Art allowed him to evade their strikes effortlessly, as if he had seen this battle play out countless times before.

Giyu gritted his teeth, frustration mounting. The demon was one step ahead of them at every turn. It was a battle of wits and speed, and they were struggling to keep up.

As the battle raged on, Giyu and Shinobu exchanged glances, their determination unwavering. They couldn't afford to lose. They had to find a way to break free from the demon's time loop and defeat him once and for all.

With renewed resolve, they continued to fight, their Nichirin Swords clashing against the demon's relentless onslaught. The moon hung high in the sky, a silent witness to a battle that transcended time itself.

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