Chapter 42: Memories in the Rain

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The sound of raindrops pattering against the roof of the wisteria house echoed through the quiet afternoon. Giyuu Tomioka and Shinobu Kocho sat on the wooden porch, gazing out at the tranquil garden as they waited for the rain to subside. This wisteria house was a sanctuary for Demon Slayers, a place to rest and find respite during their arduous journeys. Today, they were fortunate to be hosted by an old grandmother known for her hospitality.

The elderly woman, her wrinkled face etched with years of wisdom and kindness, carefully carried a tray with cups of steaming tea. She placed it gently before Giyuu and Shinobu, who offered their thanks with polite nods. Shinobu engaged in a respectful conversation with the old lady, learning about her life and experiences, while Giyuu quietly sipped his tea.

After a while, the old lady excused herself and retreated into the house, leaving Giyuu and Shinobu alone on the porch. Shinobu turned her attention to Giyuu, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Tomioka-san, may I ask, what were your hobbies before becoming a Demon Slayer?"

Giyuu's gaze flickered, and for a moment, he seemed lost in thought. Memories of his sister and their parents, all of them stricken by illness, flashed through his mind. "I... didn't have any hobbies in particular," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.

Shinobu tilted her head, her curiosity undeterred. "Is there a memory you'd like to recreate then, something you cherish?" she inquired gently.

Giyuu's distant expression shifted, replaced by a faint smile. "I remember... dancing in the rain," he confessed. "It was a rare moment of happiness."

Shinobu's eyes brightened with understanding. Without hesitation, she grabbed Giyuu's arm and pulled him to his feet. "Then let's make that memory here and now," she declared with an impish grin.

The two of them dashed into the garden, their footsteps softened by the damp earth beneath their feet. Raindrops cascaded around them as they twirled and danced, their laughter mingling with the soothing sound of the rain. For the first time, Shinobu was free from her usual stoic facade, and Giyuu was liberated from the weight of his responsibilities.

As they swayed and spun in the rain, Shinobu couldn't help but smile, her anger and intensity replaced by genuine joy. Giyuu's eyes sparkled with a rare warmth as he held her close in the midst of their playful dance.

Finally, they slowed down, breathless and drenched but filled with a sense of contentment. Giyuu gently hugged Shinobu, her head resting against his chest. She blinked in surprise, her cheeks flushing as she looked up at him. "Tomioka-san, what are you doing?"

Giyuu simply shushed her softly and whispered, "Just stay like this for a while, Kocho-san."

Shinobu, taken aback at first, gradually relaxed into his embrace, a small smile gracing her lips. As they stood there, rain-soaked and entwined, they found solace in each other's arms, sharing a moment of peace amid the storm.


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