Chapter 2: The Double Date

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Chapter 2- "The Double Date"

I didn't want to talk about it, not here, not now. I wanted to focus on something happy for once, yeah it may end up happy, but it could end up worse. And with these thoughts we pulled into Marzia's and Felix's driveway. We greeted them at the door and finally decided to go to the Cat Café, even though I'm severely allergic to cats.

"So how are you guys?" Marzia asked smiling.

"We're good, and you two?" Dan awkwardly bites his lip. 

"We're good as well" Felix responded squeezing Marzias hand as they both smile.

We drove for a good 20 minutes when Dan started to look into the review mirror trying to make eye conversation with me. He gave me sincere eye motions, the sorry eyes. But what did he even have to be sorry for? It's just Dan being Dan, he didn't have to be sorry for that. To be sincere in return I put my hand on his leg and gave it a good squeeze. Felix and Marzia were too deep into conversation to even notice, which was kind of a good thing. Dan looked at my hand, touched it and smiled. We arrived at the Cat Café, everyone understood we would have to leave if my allergies started to flare up. "You guys could go in, I have to speak to Phil for a moment," Dan said as he motioned them out of the Uber.

I watched uncomfortably as Dan took off his seatbelt and I took off mine. "Yes?" I ask. "Phil I can't help going on about my life knowing something is wrong with you. Why are you upset?" He said, taking my hands into his own and looked deadly into my eyes. I decided to get over my fear and kiss him, as I drew back I left him surprised so I left the Uber. He followed, "Wait, Phil, stop, we need to talk about what just happened," Dan said as he tried to stop me. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said turning my head to smile at him. "Then we'll talk about it later, you bloody devil," Dan said as we jog into the Café and meet up with Felix and Marzia. "You guys alright?" Felix asked. "Yeah we're fine, thanks though," I say smiling. "No problem," Felix replies with a grin. The waitress got to our table and took our orders. 

"Have you guys been enjoying each other lately," Marzia asked in the midst of eating her meal.

"What?!" I asked, nervously, when I noticed I was literally on the edge of my seat and slid back.

"I mean, enjoy living with each other?" Marzia asked tensely. 

"Yeah, it's been a pleasure living with Phil, even though he gets majorly weird sometimes," Dan giggled as I gather my thoughts and embarrassment. Dan kicked me in the leg, causing me to bite my lip in pain. "So, how is it living with Felix?" I asked just to break the awkward silence. "Oh its great you know, but sometimes it just gets so busy when we have family coming over and when we each have a video to shoot, plus editing," she replied. 

"So, you probably get this all the time but, how do you find time to live your life?" Dan asked, taking the attention off of him and I. "Well I usually take one or two days off each week, and I like to set schedules of how long I'm going to play a certain game" Felix responded with a smile. 

"I see," Dan nodded, looking too interested.

As soon as Felix was going to say something, the waitress came by to give us our food. 

"Whenever we come here they always get things mixed up," I said giggling.

"They had one job!" Felix yells, Marzia puts her hand over his mouth and laughs.

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