Chapter 13: Not My Cup of Tea

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Chapter 13- "Not My Cup of Tea"

I hold his hand for a couple of minutes and quietly leave the building, getting into an Uber I called for earlier. I walked into the flat and just remembered Dan wasn't here to greet me, which made me depressed. I sit on the edge of the bed and burry my face into my hands;crying. I end up falling asleep, missing Dan cuddling my side. I would kill for just one more hug from him, even just one "I love you," I shake the thought and think of all the good things that happened to us, before things went down hill. I lay still on my back as I couldn't fall asleep from all the stress and pain this event has caused me. I get up and trudge into the kitchen, grabbing paper from the printer, crayons from a drawer, and sitting at the kitchen table, folding the paper into a card.

I write Dan's name on the front and drew him and I holding hands in a field of flowers. A tear slips down my face, spilling onto the page. I let my head fall onto the card, hearing a loud 'thump!' but not feeling any pain. My tears stain the page but I lay there, not having any passion to move.

"Phil!" Exclaims a familiar voice. "Dan?" I whisper. I see him come in through the flat door. "What are you doing in here crying?" He asks, setting bags on the counter. "B-But, you're in a coma," I say, feeling his arms to see if he was real. "Silly, no I'm not," He smiles, wrapping his long arms around me for a hug, but it wasn't a normal hug. It was cold and stiff, unlike his usual ones. I push him away, this made him angry. He picked up whatever was in the bag and threw it at me, making the substance fly everywhere, filling every crack with foul smelling melon. "Stop!" I scream out as he picks up another one, glaring into my eyes with an evil smile on his face. I run into the bedroom, locking the door and crawling under the bed. I roll up into a ball and hug my knees.

I jolt up from the table, beads of sweat falling down off my forehead. Thank gosh, it was just a dream, I thought to myself. I lay my head back down on the table and breathe deeply, heavily for a couple minutes before getting up again and taking my phone off the charger. I flip through our pictures together and noticed someone messaged me;Dan. I click on the message, trembling with fear. It pops open and all of our adorable, cheeky messages appear upon the screen. I stare at the message.

Hey, Phil. Um, I'm in a bit of a pickle with some chavs, could you come find me and call for help? Wence Avenue.

Seen 10/1/2015

Tears drip off my chin, onto my phone. I couldn't shake the thought out of my head that I actually put Dan into a coma. I fall onto the bed, screaming bloody murder into my pillow so it would block out the sounds and the sobs. I hear a faint knock on the flat door, "Come in!" I call, wiping my face with a tissue. Pj walks into my room and sees me sitting on the bed, looking at me with a weird expression. "I was walking past your flat when I heard you screaming," He sits beside me on the bed. I show him the message from Dan. "If only I read the message," I type into my phone and sigh. "The only fault it is is the man who shot Dan," He patted my back. "I'll make us tea," He walked into the kitchen, and juggled around in the mug section. I look at the picture of us on my bedside and lay back in my bed, cuddling it. Pj walks back in and frowns ate the site of me cuddling a picture frame of Dan's face. He set my tea on my bed and sat on bed as the steam rises from the cup. "So, why did you really come here?" I dip my finger in the cup to see if it was cool enough to drink as I show him the message.

Confessionary LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora