Chapter 3: Awkward Silence

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Chapter 3- "Awkward Silence"

We finished our food and Felix threw his napkin on his plate and patted his stomach. "You can't be that full, you didn't even eat that much," Marzia said poking his stomach. He playfully smacked her delicate hand away and they both laughed. I looked over at Dan as if to say 'why can't we be like that? ' or 'relationship goals'. He just brushed it off meaning 'not here, not in public'.

I get up to pet the cats down the stairs and left them laughing. As I pick the cat I want to pet, whose name happened to be 'Lion', Dan stalked over to where I was sprawled out on the ground with the cat in my arms. "Are your allergies acting up yet?" He asked. He looked upset, wonder why. "Not yet, but I assume they will soon. Why do cats have to be so cute and fluffy?" I ask, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He kneels down, "Yet cause death to so many people," he said seriously, then we both broke down laughing. "W-what's wrong? You seem upset," he said as he sat down next to me and took a long pause. "Because it's making me upset that I don't have the guts to act like me in public. I mean that's like a dead chicken acting alive, it doesn't make sense," 

I put my hand on his where no one could see it. "How do you think I feel? I want to share with the world how much you mean to me, but I don't...I think it's too personal or too embarrassing and it shouldn't," he responds. 

"Life is all about 'getting out of your comfort zone' but what if it means risking everything?" he said shifting his butt side to side, stroking another cat named 'Satan'. 

I look at him. "What if we're living our life wrong...I mean, so what if we risk everything, I've never done anything this dangerous in my whole entire life. We don't have to worry about our viewers knowing...they're waiting for this to happen," I preach as I feel my eyes light up with joy and self-confidence.

Dan peeks behind him and notices that Felix and Marzia were standing there. "Y-you guys have feelings for each other?" Felix stutters. I look at him, before I could respond to this Dan already said my words. "Yeah...problem mate?" "No problem here," Felix answered and they both got so happy, I swear you could build a canoe out of there smiles. And with that, Dan took me in for a passionate kiss and Felix and Marzia clapped for us.We climbed back into the Uber and drove to Felix's house to drop them off.

"We should do this again sometime," I say. 

"Soon," Felix said in an evil voice.

"It was a pleasure hanging out with you guys," Marzia responded as she unbuckled and got out of the car.

They stood at the top of the driveway, waving us 'goodbye' and Felix doing the 'blowing kiss' hand motion to the both of us. Dan caught the imaginary kiss, put it on his lips and we both broke down laughing. The Uber peels out of their drive way and I look at the time, it was now 5:30 P.M. . I look over at Dan and silently admire every little detail on his face with my eyes. He notices and looks over at me, blushing. We get to our flat and pile out of the car.

We both tip the driver. "Thank you," we both say with a smile.

"You're welcome, and thanks for the generous tip," he says as he tips his hat and drives off.

We turn to each other "So...would you like me to walk you home?" I say raising my eyebrows up and down.

"Sure," Dan says, doing the same thing. I take his arm and walk up to our flat. I throw him down on the sofa once we get inside and I stand above him with my head just a few inches from his lips. "Turn around," He says motioning his fingers in a circle. "Why?" I turn around like he told me to and within a few seconds he wraps his arms around my stomach and pulls me on top of his. I sit up on his stomach and gently touch his smooth face. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "We need to talk," I say popping the romantic bubble.

"Talk?" he said sitting up, looking me right in the eyes.

"Yes, about our feelings,"

"Mkay, we're talking,"

"Well...what are we?"

"Idk," he said looking down at his shirt.

I cup my hands around the outline of his face. "I want to be with you, but is it the best thing?"

He looks away. "I'm not...I'm not so sure I mean we're both pretty busy with our youtube channels and stuff,"

"So? Other youtube relationships work out, why can't we be one of them?"

"So, we give this a try but it fails, then what?" he says.

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