Chapter 12: Coma

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Chapter 12- "Coma"

I ended up falling asleep by Dans bedside. Pj pokes my side, waking me up. I yawn, still gripping Dan's hand. I stare at his face, waiting for him to wake up anytime now. The Doctor came in to check on Dan. "Oh, he's still sleeping?" he asks surprised. "Yeah, he hasn't waken up yet," Pj frowns, I lay my chin on my arm. "Was he suppose to be awake by now?" Pj asked, standing up. "Well, you never really know, we'll check to see if everything's alright in awhile if he's still not awake," the Doctor says walking out. Pj sits back down and he pats my back as I look at him with tears in my eyes. Please wake up, I thought in my head. I lay my hand on Dan's chest, to make sure he was still breathing;he was.

"How about we go get some breakfast?" Pj asks, forcing a smile, I nod so we head down to the hospital kitchen and sit across from each other, picking at our food.

"He's gonna be fine," he breaks the silence. I nod, looking up from my non-eaten food.

"D-Dan told me on the phone that you haven't talked since that day...," he trailed off.

"Are you gonna talk...ever?" he asks taking a sip from his juice. I shrugged. "Well, no ones pressuring you, we just miss your beautiful voice," smiles Pj. I nod, smiling back at him.

"Shall we head back?" he asks as he stands up. I toss my trash into the bin and trudge along Pj as we walk back to the room. We sit on the 2 chairs in the back, staring at the wall in sadness. The Doctor walks in, looking at Dan and see's that he's still asleep and frowns. "Could you guys step into the waiting room as I check to see if everything's okay?" he asks, walking over to Dan's still, limp body. We nod and silently walk out.

I fidget with my fingers, tap my foot, in-spite of nervousness. Pj notices that I'm really nervous and lays his hand on mine and says: "He's gonna be okay." I nod in response.

~20 minutes later~

The Doctor walks out into the waiting room. We look up and see his sad expression on his face. This isn't good, I thought to myself.

"Uh, Dan hasn't woken up because he's in a coma..." Doctor Mile frowns as  I stand up, speechless, unable to breathe.

"What?! How?" questions Pj, standing too close to the Doctor, so he backs away.

"He lost too much blood, sending his brain into shock, which causes it to shut down and "hibernate"," he says. Tears stung my eyes as I lean against the wall to breathe.

"How long do they last?" Pj asks as he sits back down.

"No one can tell. They can last from days, weeks, months, years or possibly...forever," I let out all my tears at that last word.

"We pull the plug when our patients have a low chance...of surviving," the Doctor says, before turning away and walking up to the front desk. Pj turns to look at me. 'I'm really sorry," he says. I nod, turning away and walking outside. I sit on the bench, feeling the cold, crisp, wind hit my face. I let my head hang low and tears roll down my cheeks, onto the ground. I hear someone walk out the doors;Pj. "I'm gonna head home, will you be okay for awhile?" he asks with a sentimental expression on his face. I nod as he pats me on the back and walks away, sobbing.

As soon as I walk back inside, the nurse walks up to me. "I'm sorry about your friend. I think you should go home and get some rest, we'll call you if anything happens," she smiles as i nod in response. I walk back over to his still body, leaving a kiss on his lips.

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